Environment Poems

Popular Environment Poems
A natural piece of art
by Saleh Ben Saleh

Helpless a stump does sit suffering from decay,
on the rugged part of the hillside where loggers had cut away.
Glorious the trees did stand along the rocky ridge,
as long as the eye could see from the river to the bridge.

Time, and time again their beauty had been praised,
but the loggers saw had chopped their limbs in total disgrace.
I see a shameful reflection in the look of a saddened tree,
if only man had kept his values for all the world to see.


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by Tejaswi Kalra

Forbidden were commoners to think,
Or did they just ignore?
The splash of water on the shores,
Or the gushing wind winding the force,
Turning the heavy head towards hell,
Shallow, itching for the surface,
Liberal, liveable lithography in progress.

It was irreversible, a fact it was,
The Clarion had been blown,


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The Dangerous Game
by Richard Randolph

Perhaps the world is a living thing,
and we are merely parasites living on it.
At first, so small and insignificant
no one could imagine our causing any real harm,
and so we fed on, greedily and without remorse
as parasites do, but now it has become clear
we have sickened the Earth almost to death.
Oh, it's a dangerous game parasites play,
slowly devouring their host all the while knowing
that when it dies, they must abandon ship or die, too.


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Is Our Arrogance So Strong – in the wake of the Corona virus pandemic
by Dr. Robert Ippaso

Are those tears of sorrow or pure wrath,
God’s anger at mankind
Put on earth to tread his path,
Just to see us stumbling blind.

Little knowing, quite uncaring
Of our world so full of life,
Wanton damage truly glaring,
Callous actions clearly rife.


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A Maternal Plea
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

In the bygone days, I held you so near,
When turquoise skies were truly clear,
And emerald valleys sparkled in the sun,
And the pristine air could hurt no one.

And aqua waters shimmered transparency,
But that was long ago, in your infancy;
When towering, lush trees grew anywhere,
While riotous blooms crowded elsewhere!


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Recent Environment Poems
A natural piece of art
by Saleh Ben Saleh

Helpless a stump does sit suffering from decay,
on the rugged part of the hillside where loggers had cut away.
Glorious the trees did stand along the rocky ridge,
as long as the eye could see from the river to the bridge.

Time, and time again their beauty had been praised,
but the loggers saw had chopped their limbs in total disgrace.
I see a shameful reflection in the look of a saddened tree,
if only man had kept his values for all the world to see.


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Into Piles
by Jeff Bresee

What in the world are we doing?
Who are we trying to beat?
It seems like we live our lives running,
as if we are losing our seats.

We never stop building up towers.
We never stop spinning around.
We never stop piling up into piles
everything that we’ve torn down.


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The Dangerous Game
by Richard Randolph

Perhaps the world is a living thing,
and we are merely parasites living on it.
At first, so small and insignificant
no one could imagine our causing any real harm,
and so we fed on, greedily and without remorse
as parasites do, but now it has become clear
we have sickened the Earth almost to death.
Oh, it's a dangerous game parasites play,
slowly devouring their host all the while knowing
that when it dies, they must abandon ship or die, too.


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by Tejaswi Kalra

Forbidden were commoners to think,
Or did they just ignore?
The splash of water on the shores,
Or the gushing wind winding the force,
Turning the heavy head towards hell,
Shallow, itching for the surface,
Liberal, liveable lithography in progress.

It was irreversible, a fact it was,
The Clarion had been blown,


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by Acuda Derick

Noise all around,
From every sight and sound,
Like a symphony of chaos,
That fills the air around us.

The honking of cars,
The buzz of a guitar,
The laughter of children,
Or the bark of a dog in the garden.


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Popular Poets about Environment From Members
  • Gayatri Iyer
    Gayatri Iyer (1 poems about Environment)
    June 29 , 2000
  • Acuda Derick
    Acuda Derick (1 poems about Environment)
    February 08, 1995 - Lira, Uganda
  • Tejaswi Kalra
    Tejaswi Kalra (1 poems about Environment)
    Loading abruptly since 1993