Ego Poems

Popular Ego Poems
Salt and Wine
by Richard Johnson

I think I’ve sat here pondering long enough
Coaxing my ego through one more day
Some old car with new paint drifts by
Painting the window in a murky spray
A stage of fumbling critics
and young hopefuls prowl behind
I think I will not meet them today
Nor let them wait, I’m not that kind

Let lice and time ravage old corduroy


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See Through You
by Joanne Lee Macdermott

Why do you feed your illusion that darkness that speaks? Why do you give in so easily, is it that you fear peace?

I see through you...I once was hide in your dark smoky cloud locked in your thoughts. Give in to easily to the bad wolf that lurks.

I try to reach you but your wall is to high, it's not that I fear the height nor fear the climb. I just know that I can't heal you. It's just not your time.

Healing is a journey and one must commit, it takes courage to face yourself, to meditate and sit.

But hear in lies the issue, that you hold on to so tight, you would rather stay in the dark and run from the light.
You live in the past and wonder why it consumes you, replaying old habits that console you.


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Consumed No More
by Joanne Lee Macdermott

I used to think like it was a past time, occupied by every thought. Unaware that I was even thinking, chained to this god dam curse.

Would feel the pain of others take it on as if its mine, allow gravity to dissolve me and bend me how it likes. Dense feelings of ugliness fighting to find my worth. Find comfort in the shallow things to justify my worth.

Try to numb the chattering the dark voices in my head, but nothing will silence them. I fear not even death.

Keep fighting…fought back the tides that carried me to my watery grave. Need release from the rip but no one comes to my aid.

But still over all the noise that vibrates in my head. There is this yearning begging to be fed.


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The Mighty Have Been Rendered Low
by James Kipp

Oh what spectacle of visage rendered bare before the world to suffer silent ignominious glare.

On bended knee in humbled show, head and heart abashed, by how the mighty have been rendered low

Evanesced venerated glories past, faded long ago. In chattel'd bondage to indignations, rending soul and bone. The once reverent, now lie ‘neath heel and stone.

The once mighty have been rendered low. Made so by inglourious traitorous deeds, self inflicted upon thine sacred creed. Fervent in the certitude, we reap that in which we sow.
O' how the mighty have been rendered low.

In the gloaming remnants of times yet passed, from 'neath shadows aspersions cast. Onerous uncertainties yet persist, can redemptive solace still exist?


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A Sonnet 04: Lonely Combing
by Ayatullah Nurjati

Our point of view is far away
If you say almost more than billions of cubits
Or if it is made more than 1 million light years away
It is clear that there is a distance between you and me like space in gigabits

I am loving you
Being away from you seems to deny your ego, which said you are loving me
I now seem to believe more and more in the legitimacy of that fact I am still loving you
Obviously, I've never been ambiguous if what I feel is without having to say a dime


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Recent Ego Poems
A Sonnet 04: Lonely Combing
by Ayatullah Nurjati

Our point of view is far away
If you say almost more than billions of cubits
Or if it is made more than 1 million light years away
It is clear that there is a distance between you and me like space in gigabits

I am loving you
Being away from you seems to deny your ego, which said you are loving me
I now seem to believe more and more in the legitimacy of that fact I am still loving you
Obviously, I've never been ambiguous if what I feel is without having to say a dime


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An Ego That Wouldn’t Relent
by Oscar Auliq-Ice

Once I walked with head held high,
Convinced I knew what life meant,
I held fast to all my beliefs,
With an ego that wouldn't relent.

But then came a moment,
That changed everything inside,
A realization struck me hard,
And with it, my old self died.


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by Ali Abdullah

She’s tricky
She undermines your progress
Suggesting things based on what you’re weak about
You realize in her absence it was all nonsense


She attacks you, she protects you
She distract you with things you don’t need
Just to get herself stronger


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The Mighty Have Been Rendered Low
by James Kipp

Oh what spectacle of visage rendered bare before the world to suffer silent ignominious glare.

On bended knee in humbled show, head and heart abashed, by how the mighty have been rendered low

Evanesced venerated glories past, faded long ago. In chattel'd bondage to indignations, rending soul and bone. The once reverent, now lie ‘neath heel and stone.

The once mighty have been rendered low. Made so by inglourious traitorous deeds, self inflicted upon thine sacred creed. Fervent in the certitude, we reap that in which we sow.
O' how the mighty have been rendered low.

In the gloaming remnants of times yet passed, from 'neath shadows aspersions cast. Onerous uncertainties yet persist, can redemptive solace still exist?


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by Ceyx Kingfisher

We’re moths to our tamed flame,
Because I’m drinking lilac kerosene.
I post a smile, and then I grin,
And you shoot poison with my arms;
With my arms around you.
I hear my cry for more,
For three olives, on the side,
And for my dirty Bomb Bay Martini.
I perform your honey name,
And I would be insane,


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