Earth Poems

Popular Earth Poems
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

that fine, pneumatic
piece of gem from space,
bulbous, bluish with
the hand of beauty
adorned with furry clouds,
yet in closer sense lies
senseless to internal

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Safe My Home Earth Don’t Be So Feel With Pride And Blinded By Temporary Luxury
by Christen Kuikoua

Dear future
I am Sorry
Sorry we used nature as a credit card
with no spending limits
over drafting animals to extinction
stealing your chance to ever see their uniqueness or become friends with them,
Sorry we poison the ocean so much that you can’t even swim in them,
But most of all sorry
for we lie to our mindset
and we had the nerves


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Dear Earth
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

Dear Earth,
I vouch for your honesty any day
and rebuke strongly this cluster of vices upon you —
bone and teeth, claws and talons, fins and scales
and other forms of skeletal dryness.

Earth my kinsman,
remain steadfast and bury with quicksand these vices —
fingernails and beaks, hoofs and blades
and other instruments of hardness.


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Before The Beginning Began
by Christen Kuikoua

Before the dawn of time’s first breath,
Before the light of morning’s crest,
There was a Presence, pure and grand,
Who shaped the stars with His own hand.

He did not begin where beginnings unfold,
Nor fit within the bounds of old,
For He, the Prime Mover, the Uncaused Cause,
Initiated all with divine laws.


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There is no Silence in the Earth
by Emily Dickinson

There is no Silence in the Earth - so silent
As that endured
Which uttered, would discourage Nature
And haunt the World.

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Recent Earth Poems
Before The Beginning Began
by Christen Kuikoua

Before the dawn of time’s first breath,
Before the light of morning’s crest,
There was a Presence, pure and grand,
Who shaped the stars with His own hand.

He did not begin where beginnings unfold,
Nor fit within the bounds of old,
For He, the Prime Mover, the Uncaused Cause,
Initiated all with divine laws.


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by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

that fine, pneumatic
piece of gem from space,
bulbous, bluish with
the hand of beauty
adorned with furry clouds,
yet in closer sense lies
senseless to internal

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The Earth From The Sky/З неба земля (In Ukr.)
by Halyna Myroslava

З неба земля виглядає як мікросхема,
чітко поділена різноманіттям фігур,

барвами ліжників зелені, осені, неба,
знаками рік як вітрил.
Ти попід хмарами,
в отворах хмар чітко бачиш -
навіть не крапки ми там, на землі,
справді невловні, невидимі оком,
не зрячим


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Nature Stopover
by Ayatullah Nurjati

Twilight hangs over the western horizon, perfectly in sync with the natural setting
The moon is ready to replace its function as the faithful wife of the earth
The sun, which has slipped, seems to understand and is aware of its function to end the causality of its work
They never get tired of complaining about the Creator's orders, even though because of the anomaly in their nature they sometimes envelop each other. That's against their will

The Cosmic Macro Realm always provides peace
However, there are always irregularities caused by the inhabitants of the earth who are always destroying the mini world
This planet is indeed the only place suitable for visiting, although there may be other secret planets that also have inhabitants.
I am one of the millions of people who may be comfortable with the fact that the earth I live on is now old


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Autumnal Earth
by Mahtab Bangalee

From the silver sky
The autumnal dawn splashes
Our sleeping green earth

-November 01, 2023

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