there was a time when he’d
fear nothing more
than the bluntness of the
empty bottle
his torment
his nightmare, his hell
The bottle would be
all right as long as it stayed full
तुझमें शराब जैसी सहूलियत है,
और पानी सा प्यार भी।
बर्फ जैसी ठंडक भी तू,
कोयले की चिंगार भी।
पापड़ जैसी कड़क तो है तू,
गजरे का है तू हार भी।
खट्टी मीठी नमकीन जैसी,
3 पेग का खुमार भी।
ओह जिंदगी ऐसी है तू,
जो महफिलों में गुज़ार दी।
Driving down the deserted highway...
Feeling depressed and very lonely...
Thinking about the family that ignores me...
Believing that I’m the one and only...
The holiday season can be hard...
For some, it’s the bluest time of the year...
To be away from your loved ones...
I wish someone would lend an ear...
I just wanna say you were thinking right
When you were sippin’ on your cheap old wine
Told me “Ali let’s get things straight
This relationship is going nowhere
And I’m afraid I’ll get attached
Then you’ll leave me for your plans”
“I don’t wanna have laughs today
And feel broken in a couple years
Heading down the road
Going nowhere...
Trying to get away
From my obsessions...
Tired of feeling like
I’m always out there...
Searching for the answers
To my questions...
Just a drunk
This broken brain of mine projects
a six-foot, shadowed silhouette
of a puppet, strung-out and plucked
by someone who looks and sounds
exactly how I may too often seem.
The void inside me quickly over-swells,
and strange skin transforms to spread
while I am left alone to wither.
Shapeless and hollow, that pit,
I just wanna say you were thinking right
When you were sippin’ on your cheap old wine
Told me “Ali let’s get things straight
This relationship is going nowhere
And I’m afraid I’ll get attached
Then you’ll leave me for your plans”
“I don’t wanna have laughs today
And feel broken in a couple years
Here I sit...
In my bucket of sorrow...
Wondering if I’ll even survive...
Until the sunrise tomorrow...
The bottles of gin...
Which I consume each day...
Have destroyed my will...
What more is there to say...
Driving down the deserted highway...
Feeling depressed and very lonely...
Thinking about the family that ignores me...
Believing that I’m the one and only...
The holiday season can be hard...
For some, it’s the bluest time of the year...
To be away from your loved ones...
I wish someone would lend an ear...
Heading down the road
Going nowhere...
Trying to get away
From my obsessions...
Tired of feeling like
I’m always out there...
Searching for the answers
To my questions...
Just a drunk