Despair Poems

Popular Despair Poems
My Guardian Angel
by Robert William Service

When looking back I dimly see
The trails my feet have trod,
Some hand divine, it seems to me,
Has pulled the strings with God;
Some angel form has lifeward leaned
When hope for me was past;
Some love sublime has intervened
To save me at the last.

For look you! I was born a fool,


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by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

I TELL you, hopeless grief is passionless;
That only men incredulous of despair,
Half-taught in anguish, through the midnight air
Beat upward to God's throne in loud access
Of shrieking and reproach. Full desertness,
In souls as countries, lieth silent-bare
Under the blanching, vertical eye-glare
Of the absolute Heavens. Deep-hearted man, express
Grief for thy Dead in silence like to death--
Most like a monumental statue set


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Song Of The Open Road
by Walt Whitman

AFOOT and light-hearted, I take to the open road,
Healthy, free, the world before me,
The long brown path before me, leading wherever I choose.

Henceforth I ask not good-fortune--I myself am good fortune;
Henceforth I whimper no more, postpone no more, need nothing,
Strong and content, I travel the open road.

The earth--that is sufficient;
I do not want the constellations any nearer;


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by Louise Gluck

No one's despair is like my despair--

You have no place in this garden
thinking such things, producing
the tiresome outward signs; the man
pointedly weeding an entire forest,
the woman limping, refusing to change clothes
or wash her hair.

Do you suppose I care


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by Robert Browning


Said Abner, ''At last thou art come! Ere I tell, ere thou speak,
''Kiss my cheek, wish me well!'' Then I wished it, and did kiss his cheek.
And he, ''Since the King, O my friend, for thy countenance sent,
''Neither drunken nor eaten have we; nor until from his tent
''Thou return with the joyful assurance the King liveth yet,
''Shall our lip with the honey be bright, with the water be wet.
''For out of the black mid-tent's silence, a space of three days,
''Not a sound hath escaped to thy servants, of prayer nor of praise,


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Recent Despair Poems
Metal Man
by Icerus S

Heavy would the heart be that could hold up this empty vessel.

Robotic mighty standing as Atlas under the great weight of the cosmos on his back.

Broken countless times, yet reforged, made stronger by life's burning flames.

Sleep evades the psyche, dreams, imaginations flitter back and forth from present to past lastly disappeared.

Focus lost at every turn, where did the fae go, where did the years go, where did the dreams go.


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by Michael R. Burch

These are poems about relationships, including poems about mothers and their children, and poems for mothers and their children: i.e., the closest relationships of all. Also, poems about children and poems for children.

by Michael R. Burch

Have you tasted the bitterness of tears of despair?
Have you watched the sun sink through such pale, balmless air
that your soul sought its shell like a crab on a beach,
then scuttled inside to be safe, out of reach?


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She Has To Choose
by Frangipani Retrograde

There was a girl
Turned 23 last year
Only a year ago
She knew something had to change

So she wracked her brain
Looked for an answer
Her river of hope ran dry
They all turned a blind eye


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Power- less
by Lukman Abdulwasiu

The feeling is sickening
What else can you do
No control whatsoever
It keep trampling one muscle
Numbness sets in
Pain spasming its course
A killing pain yet death stands aloof
Grueling suffering pounces on the heart
Wishes for death remains unheard
Oh why ?


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Ink Drenched Veil: A Journey Through Shadows
by Lilith Van'Nightinveil

In the shadows of the mind, where darkness weaves its threads,
A sorrowed symphony of whispers fill the voids unsaid.
Where heavy hearts reside, and hope's ember wanes,
I gather words as balm to soften pain's gnarled chains.

Within this intricate tapestry, let me now explore,
The depths of sorrow and despair that life may have in store.
For in such fragile moments, when light seems far away,
A poem's embrace may offer solace, a glimpse of healing's ray.


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