Dawn Poems

Popular Dawn Poems
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

a pale yellow dawn
as warmth finds baby blue skies
and apple blossoms

vast sandy beaches
cream roses lotus blossoms
add to dawn's palette

peach carnations bloom
near pale pink ranunculus


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Alone on the Seashore
by Saleh Ben Saleh

On a rocky shore she sits alone under the darken skies, a flock of gulls glided away in search of food supplies.

She stares ahead in time to see the sun before the rise. She was amazed to see its rays tickling the pinky skies.

The foamy waves moved to and fro caressing the rocky shores, the hidden tides away they drew, brushing the sandy floors.

The morning breeze flowed away tousling her tidy hair, fondling her rosy cheeks with all the love and care.

Along the coast the bush did grow between the grass and tree, to all the bears a place of nest for every honey bee.


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A Peachy Garden
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

here the charm of peonies
just peach ones in my garden
wafting scents loving the sun
from dawn to red dusk

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Dawn Colors in the Bay
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

fuchsia gold pink dawn
naturally it's beauty
sunburst in the bay
the hour of hush still rapture
melted colors drift to sea

at the verge of day
in the time of green tree songs
wading in waters
beneficent sunshine rays


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The Day's Enchantment
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

The dawn's morningtide lavender mistiness,
Cloaked the deep emerald fields and woods,
And mother nature wore good morning smiles,
In gay fragrant blooms, all colors and styles.
The happy moments danced daylight together,
All along the golden paved streets of time!
Noontime came sunny skies of clearest blue,
Like sapphire butterfly wings, truest true.
Afternoon left its treasured sunlit memories,
Along with the new experiences and discoveries,


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Recent Dawn Poems
Alone on the Seashore
by Saleh Ben Saleh

On a rocky shore she sits alone under the darken skies, a flock of gulls glided away in search of food supplies.

She stares ahead in time to see the sun before the rise. She was amazed to see its rays tickling the pinky skies.

The foamy waves moved to and fro caressing the rocky shores, the hidden tides away they drew, brushing the sandy floors.

The morning breeze flowed away tousling her tidy hair, fondling her rosy cheeks with all the love and care.

Along the coast the bush did grow between the grass and tree, to all the bears a place of nest for every honey bee.


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Love dawned in the early morning mist
by Baramundi Roy

On a distant hill in the early morning mist
our eyes embraced each other with a loving kiss.
Although no contact was made or word was spoken
on that green peak the silence of love was broken.

The dawning sun burst out in radiant glory
composing that first paragraph of loves’ story,
then swiftly wrote new chapters each passing day,
bringing us closer together in loves’ sweet way.

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Violet Morning
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Rising sun
on a purple sea.
Fading stars.
Newborn hope
is lovely in the shadows,
'neath violet skies.

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by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Cool overnight rains, bear a fresh burst of spring,
Peach and pink hues grace gardens, youthful playing!
Pale lemony sunshine, at warmth's golden beginning,
And everywhere you roam, there's a novel happening.

Pink butterflies in circles, a bronzed loop de loop,
And masses of cherry blossoms, preceding red fruit.
The grass so green, pearl dewdrops gone one by one,
Like the shadows that flee, in feverish awe of the sun!

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Uphill Through the Pines
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

In the flush of hot summertime, I took the scenic route,
Up a hill of pine trees, when all of nature was in fruit!
All along the fragrant path, I relished that winding road,
Swept away by multitudinous colors, beauty had bestowed!

The dawn had grown so lovely, with its cotton candy skies,
So like the debut of springtime, in its blushing surprise!
And I was welcomed with sweet songs, into Birdland Manor,
In the blooming golden age, of nature's youthful glamour!

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