Creativity Poems

Popular Creativity Poems
The Mysterious Death of a Creator
by Zach Ascot

I hate to interrupt the show but something terrible has happened.
The creator we have come to know is missing.
Only the worst can be presumed,
A young man doomed.
What caused this?
Why dismiss creative bliss?
Please turn back,
Otherwise goodbye Zach.

The missing creator now wonders,


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The last original idea
by Thomas Gallagher

There will come a day when the last original idea is birthed

An immaculate conception

Unlike so many others in it’s time

It is a beautiful thing that needs space to grow

And it sings like no bird before it


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A Reason To Smile
by Bharati Nayak

Every time
A sigh transforms
A lamentation changes
To a flower
And fills the white paper
The vacuum
No more remains a vacuum
The beautiful angel surrounds a soul
The fragrance escapes to cosmos
The pulse and beats


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by Clover Clever

Compared to me and my imagination,
You can't imagine at all.
If our imaginations were a height competition,
Yours would be short and mine would be tall.
You could never imagine the crazy things that I think all day,
Your imagination is a parasite that mine would sweep away.
If I tried to explain to you my imagination and all it's complex bends,
Your tiny imagination couldn't even begin to comprehend.
My imagination is a twisting turning maze within my mind.
I have found the navigation within it,


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The End to My Creativity
by Ian McCleary

There's my creativity lying on any loose sheet of paper he could find. There's my creativity moving around in the work of the musician Daniel Johnston. In all sorts of grotesque characters, big breasted women, etcetera. His mind was never short of images. It seems that he was never able to stop drawing given how many drawings I was able to find by him.
I had my turn for awhile. I had a big burst of creativity, I had it for a few years. Drawing almost everyday for hours. Back when I lived in my parents basement. But when I was told, You Can't Show Them! It all changed after that. It was an end to the limitless expression I felt free to do. I figured that if no one can see my drawings, then I was not going to make anymore of them.

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Recent Creativity Poems
The last original idea
by Thomas Gallagher

There will come a day when the last original idea is birthed

An immaculate conception

Unlike so many others in it’s time

It is a beautiful thing that needs space to grow

And it sings like no bird before it


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The Epic of Creativity
by Peter Dr Lim


Civilisation will collapse
without creativity
which is the torch that lights up
the mind in its poised trajectory

to realms untrodden and unknown
beyond the highest mountain and sea
joys and tears, and brokenness it highlights


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The Topic That Chose Me Today
by Jake Wills

The topic that chose me today was African Elephants.
they came
from depths unknown —
I did not plan to ponder Elephants,
and I certainly didn’t intend to write about them.

Yet here they are,
grand, gray, glorious,


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A Poem (Haiku) - 009
by Subhas Chandra Chakra

A poem is a lover's call

Across the timeless river of death separating

the beats of life from the loving hearts.

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A Poet - 01
by Subhas Chandra Chakra

I call him a poet
Who beautifies his loneliness
Sitting all alone
In the dark.

Who has stopped
To compare with
The hills of status,


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