Couplets Poems

Popular Couplets Poems
Ladybird, Ladybird
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Empress Ladybird lived in Moss Wood, in a huge, hollow of an oak tree;
In domestic comfort, with all her dear children, beyond the entry, leafy.

Empress and her mate had parted, when they'd resolved to move on;
However, she would live to love again, like spring when winter's gone.

Empress was all things that a ruler should be, like Queen Anne's lace-
Always fair and kind to subjects, in the green, forest kingdom of grace.

Fireflies and frogs made up the forest family, and visited at olive even,


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The Queen of Hearts
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

The beloved Queen of Hearts was a merry queen, who'd ever loved to bake;
Like confetti midnight stars, sparkling; or the yellow, noon sun, wide awake.

She baked myriad varieties of cookies, and delicious pies of different kinds,
And also scrumptious cakes, so divine; like pure gold, tinted rainbows find.

The king had a cheerful disposition, too, but betimes could be quite stern;
Like the scarlet blossoms, which fail to thrive, before floriculture is learned.

Faithful friends became part of the many faceted court, like tinted bubbles,


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The Trials of Tommy Tucker
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Tommy Tucker was a youth of slight build, seeming younger than twenty,
Which was Tommy's true age; like a lone, silver star, apart from the plenty.

Tommy was well known for his great singing voice, so silky and stunning,
That people paid to hear him croon; like honey throated bees, humming.

But, as it wasn't enough to pay his bills, Tommy retained his daytime job;
As lilies hold their place in lemony sun, in fields where beauty is mobbed.

Fortuitous fate frequently fetched friends, some blooming, fuchsia Fridays;


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by Evelyn Judy Buehler

I was a competent, happy housewife, but that was before my husband died,
Leaving me to rear myriad children solo, as the lone star twinkles with pride.

John had left us a prosperous farm, with a lovely home, shaped like a shoe;
And our older children did farm work daily, as they'd ever been wont to do.

My older children were reliable and steadfast, since they were nearly grown;
But, my young ones often got in mischief, and my eldest didn't live at home.

Although I loved my children dearly, they did ofttimes, seem to be in my hair.


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A Frightful Buffet
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Miss Muffet was a girl of thirteen, filled with youth's beauty and charm;
And a love of vibrant life zealous, like eager, vivid thunder of blue alarm.

She was a fine student, pert and popular; like the primrose popularity;
Or stars appearing at the designated hour, sparkling like crystal clarity.

Mary Muffet lived in a small town, with loving parents and her siblings,
Who sympathized with her fear of spiders; like colorful, fall misgivings.

Friends flanked their white picket fence, in fall days of glamour, striking;


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Recent Couplets Poems
One of a Kind
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Elsie Marley was a playful, middle child, with five sparkling siblings,
Living on emerald, Willow Brook Farm, underneath skies very citron.

Everyone in the family lent a hand, at skillfully managing their farm.
At twelve years old, Elsie joined in, like golden bees, flower charmed.

Every fleeting day was the same as the last, yet magically different;
Like when a rainbow touches jade grass, and blazing sun is imminent.

Fantastic friends made school days fun, in the flitting, youthful hours;


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A Frightful Buffet
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Miss Muffet was a girl of thirteen, filled with youth's beauty and charm;
And a love of vibrant life zealous, like eager, vivid thunder of blue alarm.

She was a fine student, pert and popular; like the primrose popularity;
Or stars appearing at the designated hour, sparkling like crystal clarity.

Mary Muffet lived in a small town, with loving parents and her siblings,
Who sympathized with her fear of spiders; like colorful, fall misgivings.

Friends flanked their white picket fence, in fall days of glamour, striking;


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Ladybird, Ladybird
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Empress Ladybird lived in Moss Wood, in a huge, hollow of an oak tree;
In domestic comfort, with all her dear children, beyond the entry, leafy.

Empress and her mate had parted, when they'd resolved to move on;
However, she would live to love again, like spring when winter's gone.

Empress was all things that a ruler should be, like Queen Anne's lace-
Always fair and kind to subjects, in the green, forest kingdom of grace.

Fireflies and frogs made up the forest family, and visited at olive even,


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The Queen of Hearts
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

The beloved Queen of Hearts was a merry queen, who'd ever loved to bake;
Like confetti midnight stars, sparkling; or the yellow, noon sun, wide awake.

She baked myriad varieties of cookies, and delicious pies of different kinds,
And also scrumptious cakes, so divine; like pure gold, tinted rainbows find.

The king had a cheerful disposition, too, but betimes could be quite stern;
Like the scarlet blossoms, which fail to thrive, before floriculture is learned.

Faithful friends became part of the many faceted court, like tinted bubbles,


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The Trials of Tommy Tucker
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Tommy Tucker was a youth of slight build, seeming younger than twenty,
Which was Tommy's true age; like a lone, silver star, apart from the plenty.

Tommy was well known for his great singing voice, so silky and stunning,
That people paid to hear him croon; like honey throated bees, humming.

But, as it wasn't enough to pay his bills, Tommy retained his daytime job;
As lilies hold their place in lemony sun, in fields where beauty is mobbed.

Fortuitous fate frequently fetched friends, some blooming, fuchsia Fridays;


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