Christen kuikoua Poems

Popular Christen kuikoua Poems
A Father’s Day Tribute: To A Father Like My Own
by Christen Kuikoua

Few words I pen, for today is your day,
A celebration of you, in every way.
Thrilled and happy, my heart does sing,
For your life has been a blessing in everything.

A father you are, steadfast and true,
A husband so loving, through and through.
A godly man, with wisdom to share,
A parent so devoted, beyond compare.


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Crimson Promises: A Tale Hidden In Words
by Christen Kuikoua

In your smile, a sparkling gem, you shone so bright,
A beauty, a vision, a radiant light.
My heart awakened, a poet's dream unfurled,
You, the inspiration, the center of my world.

As friends, together we found our way,
In your laughter's echo, my heart would sway.
In the classroom's embrace, our souls took flight,
I, the master of your emotions, day and night.


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So Who Is Christen Kuikoua
by Christen Kuikoua

In the quiet quest of self, a name unfolds,
Christen Kuikoua, a story yet to be told.
Not just a random soul or a fleeting dream,
But a being with purpose, a soul in the stream.

Through days and nights, in life's winding thread,
In the valley's shadow, where mysteries are bred.
Asking, "Who am I, and how did I come to be?"
A pondering heart, longing for clarity.


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A Song Of Gratitude
by Christen Kuikoua

In the tapestry of time, where friendships bloom,
Mes amis, like petals, dispelling life's gloom.
Brothers, firm anchors in the sea of existence,
Une soeur agaçante, a tempest, a relentless insistence.

Parents, the roots, firmly grounding my being,
Leaves of wisdom, in the breeze, foreseeing.
Enemies, shadows that dance in the moonlit night,
Igniting the fire, propelling toward the light.


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I Miss Jags: A Jaguar's Lament😭
by Christen Kuikoua

On the first day of school, I long for its end,
Yearning for my Jag family, my heart's dear friend.
The food, a tragic horror, but health's their decree,
A social kid silenced, a shadow of me.

The theater, my love, now comedy's the song,
No musical notes, just laughter all along.
Kids in the hallways, screams like a river,
Curses flow freely, make me shiver.


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Recent Christen kuikoua Poems
Before The Beginning Began
by Christen Kuikoua

Before the dawn of time’s first breath,
Before the light of morning’s crest,
There was a Presence, pure and grand,
Who shaped the stars with His own hand.

He did not begin where beginnings unfold,
Nor fit within the bounds of old,
For He, the Prime Mover, the Uncaused Cause,
Initiated all with divine laws.


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A Father’s Day Tribute: To A Father Like My Own
by Christen Kuikoua

Few words I pen, for today is your day,
A celebration of you, in every way.
Thrilled and happy, my heart does sing,
For your life has been a blessing in everything.

A father you are, steadfast and true,
A husband so loving, through and through.
A godly man, with wisdom to share,
A parent so devoted, beyond compare.


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Cherished by Mom
by Christen Kuikoua

In you, dear Mother, my pride resides,
No hate could ever in my heart abide.

Nine months within your loving embrace,
You nurtured me with boundless grace.

You taught me to speak, to write, to stand,
Guided me with a gentle hand.

A part of you, you gave to me,


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Choosing Love
by Christen Kuikoua

I love you, yes, it's true,
Not because I have to,
But because hating takes too much,
And love is what I choose as such.

It's like a warm hug, so nice,
Makes our hearts feel light as ice.
No frowns or anger, just a smile,
Loving each other, mile by mile.


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Sonnet 09: L'empreinte Du Destin
by Christen Kuikoua

Devrais-je feindre l'ignorance pour cacher mes sentiments,
Ou devrais-je vraiment m'en soucier, incapable de feindre?
Tant de courage pour affronter l'inconnu,
Pourtant muet devant elle, le cœur en peine.

Qui est-elle, demandez-vous, avec ce sourire éclatant,
Oui, elle en effet, une vision si divine,
Dans le couloir, je l'ai contemplée un moment,
Avec des cheveux comme des rubis, une beauté si fine.


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