Childhood Poems

Popular Childhood Poems
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

Less deciduous than the rest of the tropical fruits,
Wayward Almond of parched wine of Burgundy,
You were forbidden...

The forbidden fruit of Shell Camp,
How are thy crimson mesocarps?
Traipses to Alvan never were in vain.
Clustering in cloyed versions of yielding
Balls, budding breasts of frayed boughs,


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by Edgar Allan Poe

From childhood's hour I have not been
As others were; I have not seen
As others saw; I could not bring
My passions from a common spring.
From the same source I have not taken
My sorrow; I could not awaken
My heart to joy at the same tone;
And all I loved, I loved alone.
Then- in my childhood, in the dawn
Of a most stormy life- was drawn


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I Am Waiting
by Lawrence Ferlinghetti

I am waiting for my case to come up
and I am waiting
for a rebirth of wonder
and I am waiting
for someone to really discover America
and wail
and I am waiting
for the discovery
of a new symbolic western frontier
and I am waiting


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by Patrick Kavanagh

And sometimes I am sorry when the grass
Is growing over the stones in quiet hollows
And the cocksfoot leans across the rutted cart-pass
That I am not the voice of country fellows
Who now are standing by some headland talking
Of turnips and potatoes or young corn
Of turf banks stripped for victory.
Here Peace is still hawking
His coloured combs and scarves and beads of horn.


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Children Of War
by William Sutherland

The Children of War are like little flowers trampled,
Young and innocent, fragile and helpless,
Surrounded by violence and rampant destruction-
Their faces are filled with doubts and fear.

The Children of War, so precious and dear,
Stripped of their childhood years, their youth stolen away
Are little Saints for human failing through no fault of their own.

The Children of War, their lives lost and scarred,


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Recent Childhood Poems
Child's Play
by Sharon Morgan

A search was made to find a child
in a world that time had forgotten among the vines of growing.
Where giants roamed, and a king and queen dressed like cards
saw a land through a glass of rose tint.
Like splashes of a rainbow on a virgin canvas.

An imagination once invisible, yet new, began to play.
To find once again that long lost land, where a mind and heart ran free,
Having broken chains to cross new worlds and make insignificance itself
an adventure.


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The Rain Commandments
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

You shall not speak to lightning
As if he were your mate

You shall count your fingers, beginning from
One rainy day to the last

Your bosom shall be cleansed
Before the first rain

If you peep through the door of rain


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by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

Less deciduous than the rest of the tropical fruits,
Wayward Almond of parched wine of Burgundy,
You were forbidden...

The forbidden fruit of Shell Camp,
How are thy crimson mesocarps?
Traipses to Alvan never were in vain.
Clustering in cloyed versions of yielding
Balls, budding breasts of frayed boughs,


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Closer to the Sun
by Edwin Miles

I am closer to the sun out here
a blink is a futile attempt for a reprieve,

purse and lick of cracked lips
only deepening the damage

I blink again, this time an SOS
an ancient code that no one sees

the heat has turned me mad


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he's mean to you because he likes you
by millie dunbar

I blame myself for falling in love with the wrong people. although I'm not out looking to be hurt that's just where I'm drawn to.
I grew up in a household where love wasn't just a hug, or if it was they were drunk or wanted something in return.
if that's what my life was shaped around who was I to know it was different in the real world?
whenever I got picked on my parents always said "He is mean to you because he likes you"
I was never told that that only applies to you when ur a child, but when you're grown not to run to men who live off of hurting you and abusing you for your beauty.
It's sad honestly, the fact I run to men who keep my love going by my tears.
I'm embarrassed, I never broke the habit of attracting unkind men.
I thought my kind heart was enough. that I'd fill them up with all the love I have and maybe they would change.
I was wrong. it's just a game, 'he likes you'.


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