Art Poems

Popular Art Poems
Annabelles charm
by Saleh Ben Saleh

In an urban street I met a girl
her name was Annabelle,
she was alone a jolly soul
with a happy tale to tell.
She stood so tall
a precious pearl
with a hat of golden locks,
her eyes were blue
with many hue
just like a marble rock.


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why do you seek the living among the dead?
by Bogdan Dragos

The old lady kept coming by
the hospital to assure the medics that it'll be

"He's a true fighter," she said. "I know he'll make it.
He has won the battle with drugs
twice in the past. He'll make it this time as well. I
know it. I feel it. I believe in him."

"Mam," said the doctor. "We found rusty fragments


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good and bad poetry
by Bogdan Dragos

after you write enough
and try to publish for long enough
you just notice it
There is no such thing as
There's just poetry to which people


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The Mysterious Death of a Creator
by Zach Ascot

I hate to interrupt the show but something terrible has happened.
The creator we have come to know is missing.
Only the worst can be presumed,
A young man doomed.
What caused this?
Why dismiss creative bliss?
Please turn back,
Otherwise goodbye Zach.

The missing creator now wonders,


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they just knew it
by Bogdan Dragos

the last time they
saw him
was when he told them about
that weird dream
he had
in which wine
poured from the tap in
his kitchen


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Recent Art Poems
Annabelles charm
by Saleh Ben Saleh

In an urban street I met a girl
her name was Annabelle,
she was alone a jolly soul
with a happy tale to tell.
She stood so tall
a precious pearl
with a hat of golden locks,
her eyes were blue
with many hue
just like a marble rock.


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Child's Play
by Sharon Morgan

A search was made to find a child
in a world that time had forgotten among the vines of growing.
Where giants roamed, and a king and queen dressed like cards
saw a land through a glass of rose tint.
Like splashes of a rainbow on a virgin canvas.

An imagination once invisible, yet new, began to play.
To find once again that long lost land, where a mind and heart ran free,
Having broken chains to cross new worlds and make insignificance itself
an adventure.


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Lost Art
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

Behind the moon, where hunters hunt
In secret, the whiff of boiling lipsticks
Chastises the lungs of scorpions.
Murals hang on battered doors of
Decrepit banners, hoisted by dust-swept
Elements of colours –etched and painted.
Drums are sober, frightening withered
Hands that beat them to lean delirium.
Rotten eggs hatch on their own,
Their shells, white-toothed fragments of


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The Wonder Boys
by Michael R. Burch

These are poems for poets and poems about poets. Also, poems about the art and craft of writing poetry...

The Wonder Boys
by Michael R. Burch

(for Leslie Mellichamp, the late editor of The Lyric,
who was a friend and mentor to many poets, and
a fine poet in his own right)


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The State of the Art
by Michael R. Burch

These are poems by Michael R. Burch about poetry, poets and other subjects.

The State of the Art (I)
by Michael R. Burch

Has rhyme lost all its reason
and rhythm, renascence?
Are sonnets out of season
and poems but poor pretense?


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