Apathy Poems

Popular Apathy Poems
Not too many horizons
by Bogdan Dragos

Not too many horizons
when you live in a small home
with small windows
and thick blinders
and only face the smoky ceiling
as you sit sprawled on the bed,
bottle in hand, more empty than full,
cigarette between fingers, more ashes
than light.
Work starts only the day after tomorrow


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Ink-Stained Heart
by A.F. Sh

I try to put my heart into ink,
To spill its secrets upon the page,
But the words falter and fail,
Like broken wings refusing to fly.

Each stanza is a battlefield,
Where my heart wages a losing war,
Ink spills, but the essence eludes,
Leaving only fragments of longing.


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dead horse surgery
by Grace McDonough

You are not the one I hate.
In fact,
I loved that blue eye--
I saw it in my sleep
I see it before me.

Your hands were not the ones I wished to escape.
They were long,
Kind sometimes.


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A Drunks Sober Mind
by Johnathon B

People are noisy.
Sitting in the dark I can hear the highway from miles away.
The trucks screaming over the metal bridge that's there for the construction.
The cars on their ways to work.
Honking horns sometimes bullet the air.
I wonder if people ever realize how noisy they are?
I bet there's a guy in Brooklyn that's never truly heard quiet in his life.
Maybe that's why people make movies about nature and what it's like to be outside on adventures.
Or just truly outside, in nature.
Sometimes I think I've never truly heard quiet.


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by Grace McDonough

I am kind of this perpetually tired
Sack of flour
I’ve been staring at the walls for hours
All I am full of is nothing
And it sounds pretty dramatic
But when i’m fulfilled, there’s no room for sadness
There’s no madness
I feel fine (if fine is the absence of anything)
I feel tired
All the time


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Recent Apathy Poems
A Drunks Sober Mind
by Johnathon B

People are noisy.
Sitting in the dark I can hear the highway from miles away.
The trucks screaming over the metal bridge that's there for the construction.
The cars on their ways to work.
Honking horns sometimes bullet the air.
I wonder if people ever realize how noisy they are?
I bet there's a guy in Brooklyn that's never truly heard quiet in his life.
Maybe that's why people make movies about nature and what it's like to be outside on adventures.
Or just truly outside, in nature.
Sometimes I think I've never truly heard quiet.


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by Adam Bowman


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Ink-Stained Heart
by A.F. Sh

I try to put my heart into ink,
To spill its secrets upon the page,
But the words falter and fail,
Like broken wings refusing to fly.

Each stanza is a battlefield,
Where my heart wages a losing war,
Ink spills, but the essence eludes,
Leaving only fragments of longing.


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I could tell you
by Author Reinvented

I could tell you that I wanna be a better person,
But honestly I don't care
I could tell you all I'm not a good person,
But I'm sure by now you're all aware

I could tell you where I want to go,
But only after how far I've come,
I could tell you all my future dreams,
But honestly I think that's kinda dumb.


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by Grace McDonough

I am kind of this perpetually tired
Sack of flour
I’ve been staring at the walls for hours
All I am full of is nothing
And it sounds pretty dramatic
But when i’m fulfilled, there’s no room for sadness
There’s no madness
I feel fine (if fine is the absence of anything)
I feel tired
All the time


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