Animals Poems

Popular Animals Poems
The Secrets of the Forest
by Karen Swanson

Eagles soaring high, appreciating the beauty below from the sky like no one else can see, marveling at all of it's scenic tranquility.
Rolling hills, rippling lakes, the peak of autumn colors amongst the towering trees creates a sense of security. A cascading waterfall along a jagged cliff causes a serene mist as it descends into the smooth shoreline. Babbling brooks twist and turn winding up and down around the rolling ground. Morning wakes and sprinkles the foliage with dew to make it fresh. The woods are revived again to greet their guests.
( option. Line.. the trees spread their branches for their guest)

The sweet scent of freedom is in the air, the animals live here without a care. Hearing them talking in their own unique languages, that only they can understand, their special bond is far above the intelligence of man.
Owls screeching, wolves howling in synchronicity, patter of critter's paws, quips and squawks from hawks are heard throughout the land along the rustling of falling leaves. The soft flutter of birds wings, listen closely and hear the songs they sing,
Cubs in their dens, the morning sunlight awakens them. Hidden eyes observing from afar, watching their intriguing world wander around.
As the sun sets, the air chills, the wind may blow, but no one will know until they feel it stir, some animals rest other rise, night time is when many of them come alive.

A golden sunset casts a glow, A slivery moon shimmers on a lake and presents an aura of calmness. The quietness of the woods instills a sense of peacefulness to all that live there.


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Wildlife Greenery
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

deer bunnies and bears
are among hedge shapes found there
parkland scenery

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Various Natural Scenes
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Soaring Amidst Song

sudden chance meeting
of a cheetah and monkey
then green treetop flight


zebra on the plain


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This Is No Fable
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

I was relaxing in my sunroom, one very peaceful afternoon,
Enjoying the fables of Aesop, and all the flowers abloom.

The view from the many windows, was gold sunshiny delight,
With blossoms and rich greenery, and many birds in flight.

Every now and then I chuckled, at comical characters I met,
And the morals that they learned, and would not soon forget.

I whiled away the afternoon, becoming lost in a daydream,


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Spreading Happiness
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Speaking only kind, constructive words about others,
Prioritizing peace among earth's sisters and brothers,
Remembering green practices, essential to our lives,
Easy as the benign habits, of honeybees in gilt hives.
Always eager to give more than likely to be received,
Devotedly loyal to a loving God, who's never deceived,
Indelibly making being good neighbors a huge priority.
Nurturing friendships helps create a friendly majority.
Generating sunny smiles, giving generously to charity.


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Recent Animals Poems
Animal Poems: Poems about Animals
by Michael R. Burch

These are poems about animals and nature...

The Arrival of the Sea Lions
by Michael R. Burch

The sound
of hounds
resounds in the sound.


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The Secrets of the Forest
by Karen Swanson

Eagles soaring high, appreciating the beauty below from the sky like no one else can see, marveling at all of it's scenic tranquility.
Rolling hills, rippling lakes, the peak of autumn colors amongst the towering trees creates a sense of security. A cascading waterfall along a jagged cliff causes a serene mist as it descends into the smooth shoreline. Babbling brooks twist and turn winding up and down around the rolling ground. Morning wakes and sprinkles the foliage with dew to make it fresh. The woods are revived again to greet their guests.
( option. Line.. the trees spread their branches for their guest)

The sweet scent of freedom is in the air, the animals live here without a care. Hearing them talking in their own unique languages, that only they can understand, their special bond is far above the intelligence of man.
Owls screeching, wolves howling in synchronicity, patter of critter's paws, quips and squawks from hawks are heard throughout the land along the rustling of falling leaves. The soft flutter of birds wings, listen closely and hear the songs they sing,
Cubs in their dens, the morning sunlight awakens them. Hidden eyes observing from afar, watching their intriguing world wander around.
As the sun sets, the air chills, the wind may blow, but no one will know until they feel it stir, some animals rest other rise, night time is when many of them come alive.

A golden sunset casts a glow, A slivery moon shimmers on a lake and presents an aura of calmness. The quietness of the woods instills a sense of peacefulness to all that live there.


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Word as It Is
by Ayatullah Nurjati

Words are real action
The reality is also sometimes stunned by words
Words that Absurd sometimes also have an affair with reality
Reality that plays with phenomena is sometimes not as idealistic as we think

The spirit in the equivalent word chosen as diction may be right next to the norm or ethics
The body in the heart of a word is always meaningful
The spirit that realistic in words is easily co-opted by symbols in the real world
Body of You, me and all of you resides in a name in a word that has special


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The Birdfeeder
by Tyler Morello

A bird goes to a feeder
And finds it full of seeds
He seeks to grab a mouthful
Of the sustenance he needs

But to the bird's displeasure
The seeds are stale and old
Some spicy, moldy, soggy
Some too hot and some too cold


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The Once Bald Gremlin: Kat
by Lauren ...

INTRODUCTION: I am a philosophy major, and I have a cat. I didn't want a cat. She jumped out of the trash, drank my coffee, and followed me home. She was gross and bald and possessed an alarming hatred of kneecaps. She teaches me weird and important lessons, as God's great creatures often do. In this poem, I reference one of my favorite books, St. Augustine's De Magistro, and describe the disturbance of my contemplation by the "once bald gremlin" that I call my Adeodatus.


Once upon a thinking derailed by the bald
Skinny skulky trash-born kitty
Hater of the knees you've mauled
Painful past what a pity


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