Angel Poems

Popular Angel Poems
My Guardian Angel
by Robert William Service

When looking back I dimly see
The trails my feet have trod,
Some hand divine, it seems to me,
Has pulled the strings with God;
Some angel form has lifeward leaned
When hope for me was past;
Some love sublime has intervened
To save me at the last.

For look you! I was born a fool,


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by Steve Turner

What happens in heaven?
Will I sit on a cloud?
Is walking or talking
Or jumping allowed?

Will I be on my own
Or with some of my friends?
Does it go on for ever
Or eventually end?


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by Aleister Crowley

Jupiter Mars P Moon
VENEZIA, "May" 19"th", 1910.
Jupiter's foursquare blaze of gold and blue
Rides on the moon, a lilac conch of pearl,
As if the dread god, charioted anew
Came conquering, his amazing disk awhirl
To war down all the stars. I see him through
The hair of this mine own Italian girl,
That bends her face on mine in the gondola!


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Duino Elegies: The First Elegy
by Rainer Maria Rilke

Who, if I cried out, would hear me among the angels'
hierarchies? and even if one of them suddenly
pressed me against his heart, I would perish
in the embrace of his stronger existence.
For beauty is nothing but the beginning of terror
which we are barely able to endure and are awed
because it serenely disdains to annihilate us.
Each single angel is terrifying.
And so I force myself, swallow and hold back
the surging call of my dark sobbing.


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by William Blake

The sun descending in the west,
The evening star does shine;
The birds are silent in their nest,
And I must seek for mine.
The moon, like a flower,
In heaven's high bower,
With silent delight
Sits and smiles on the night.

Farewell, green fields and happy groves,


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Recent Angel Poems
by Leon Moon

an angel is reborn
without wings or horn
an angel is reborn.

a perfect child
with no memory of dawn
with no knowledge at all.

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A Sonnet 07: Bad Angel
by Ayatullah Nurjati

You came when I was got in trouble like an angel
But I do realize that I am just bait for achieve your success
It is being different now it turns out you are a predator ready to eat me at any time by crushing the body into small pieces likes aero gel
My body is currently fat and I don't realize that I have always been fed by you and will become a meaningful meal for you with various processes

Usually the devil is male although the appearance of his female partner and it is you who are also very fierce
You are a woman who is fierce but your beautiful face seems to leave everything behind
Right now I can't do much because the flogging and the shackles you gave me can't pierce
The shackles were so strong and so hard to let go with my two hands and it is left behind


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I Am Searching For A Real Hero
by Hébert Logerie

I am searching for a real Hero
Not a virtual or an actual zero
I am searching for many Heroes
And I want to earn many zeros
After any number greater than one
I want to go beyond the Heaven
But I don’t want to get high
I want to go high, high, high
And get as much knowledge that I can
And I want to say that yes, I can


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The Broken Angel
by Nirav Khanal

On the dark and gloomy night
Walking down the lonely trail
As if she was destined to fail.

With no clear destination in her mind
Escaping from something
Maybe it’s from her past.

With all the heartbreaks and scars
She wears her beautiful smile


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Angel of Light
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

beaming kindliness
in radiance and colors
yields life changing love

grace personified
sign of love everlasting
and prayers answered

beautiful mercy
in orange sun of our days


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