Over omnious oxenwoods
Ottoman overruled on,
Overcoming otherworldly overlords
Of outstanding overpowered omnisciency,
On oath of our ongoingness
Oggy out of our overlords
Outsmarted omniscient otherworldly overlords
Flurries of fall fling fabulous colors,
Drifting silent in dreamy discolor.
Marvelous, mellowed, midday, matinee,
Plummy and peaceful as red songbirds play!
Isolated, intriguing, gold, immense,
In fields of faded blooms beyond a fence.
Real beauty ripens in seasons of sun!
Prided on patience,
I wait and watch the world around me,
Cocooned, concealed, keeping countenance.
Wings full-grown, but folded.
Eyes, mind, sharp but blinded.
All attempts to emerge, impeded.
Restrained by ripples of racing rain,
Suppressed by sight of spying sparrows,
Until at last, clear day.
A summer sun shines steadily on such spicy scented scenery,
As forest fairies frolick frivolously amidst full greenery.
Birds butterflies bees and blooms waft blissfully beautiful,
Making more memorable magic, on the mad mornings so musical!
The wild wondrous whimsicality arises when none's watchful,
So there's no tangible testimony to these totally bashful.
However, historically hidden in the habitual jade habitat,
Fabled fairies frequent sun faceted forests secrets intact!
a ballad
a beacon
luring little lullaby
sneaky siren;
majestic muse
gleaming, glistening, glowing
comforted by my night’s guide
swimming softly
paddling, rowing, plowing
Over omnious oxenwoods
Ottoman overruled on,
Overcoming otherworldly overlords
Of outstanding overpowered omnisciency,
On oath of our ongoingness
Oggy out of our overlords
Outsmarted omniscient otherworldly overlords
Prided on patience,
I wait and watch the world around me,
Cocooned, concealed, keeping countenance.
Wings full-grown, but folded.
Eyes, mind, sharp but blinded.
All attempts to emerge, impeded.
Restrained by ripples of racing rain,
Suppressed by sight of spying sparrows,
Until at last, clear day.
a ballad
a beacon
luring little lullaby
sneaky siren;
majestic muse
gleaming, glistening, glowing
comforted by my night’s guide
swimming softly
paddling, rowing, plowing
Deep purple passion, green garden glory, with a scent remarkably rich,
Like the haunting, full October moon, that hardly ever fails to bewitch!
Lilac lovely, violet and voluptuous, in gilt daytime, and evening's ease,
When soon cosmic skies are colored, like rubies, cardinals and cherries.
Admired like amethysts, or glistening grapes, or plump, plentiful plums,
Or like beauty marching down every lane, to a beating of festal drums!
Lilac like lavender, spreading redolent secrets, over scenic, sunlit miles,
Until sangria nights of fuchsia fervor, and fiery, shooting star projectiles.
Scarlet setting sun surrendered serene silvery moon,
And bold beauteous blackness is bursting with blooms!
In wide wilder windswept spaces without ivied walls,
Perennial pleasures recur, as a perfumed night falls.
Yellow canaries still croon in collaborative chorus,
Long after a laudable late afternoon's honeyed plus,
As capricious catching colors charm evening for us!