Josie Herrington Cloud

Lufkin, Texas, USA

There's Something About A Child

Did you ever have someone say to you,
"Why do you teach? Is it worth your while?"
That starts me to pondering and actually wondering
If my answer makes sense; that I find recompense
In seeking the tenderness, temperament mild,
So often found in the heart of a child.
Did you ever have someone exclaim,
"Why all the pain? You cannot hope to train
All of them to be great. It isn't their allotted Fate."
I say it isn't tiring to try to be inspiring.
There's glory in watching them grow and unfold.
There's something in the life of a child.
Did you ever thoughtlessly say,
"I feel sorry for you, what you go through,
Trying to teach. It's a fruitless reach!"
Some cannot conceive, nor would they believe,
That the real compensation is their emulation;
There's something in the mind of a child.
Then I would ask if you've ever seen
A child find his place, the light on his face,
As he stands beaming, his bright eyes gleaming
Over work done well. I catch the spell
And raise my own face to seek God's good grace.
There's something in the face of a child.
Again I ask from a humble heart,
Who is the teacher, the learner of the art?
She guides his learning, he grows tall;
She watches warily, lest he should fall.
This is the challenge that truly is great.
There's something about a teacher and a child.
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