Light Poems

Popular Light Poems
by Michael Palmer

Write this. We have burned all their villages

Write this. We have burned all the villages and the people in them

Write this. We have adopted their customs and their manner of dress

Write this. A word may be shaped like a bed, a basket of tears or an X

In the notebook it says, It is the time of mutations, laughter at jokes,
secrets beyond the boundaries of speech


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by Dylan Thomas

Too proud to die; broken and blind he died
The darkest way, and did not turn away,
A cold kind man brave in his narrow pride

On that darkest day, Oh, forever may
He lie lightly, at last, on the last, crossed
Hill, under the grass, in love, and there grow

Young among the long flocks, and never lie lost
Or still all the numberless days of his death, though


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by Sara Teasdale

I am afraid, oh I am so afraid!
The cold black fear is clutching me to-night
As long ago when they would take the light
And leave the little child who would have prayed,
Frozen and sleepless at the thought of death.
My heart that beats too fast will rest too soon;
I shall not know if it be night or noon, --
Yet shall I struggle in the dark for breath?
Will no one fight the Terror for my sake,
The heavy darkness that no dawn will break?


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by Ezra Pound

Go, my songs, seek your praise from the young
and from the intolerant,
Move among the lovers of perfection alone.
Seek ever to stand in the hard Sophoclean light
And take you wounds from it gladly.

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by Aleister Crowley

The mighty sound of forests murmuring
In answer to the dread command;
The stars that shudder when their king
extends his hand,

His awful hand to bless, to curse; or moves
Toward the dimmest den
In the thick leaves, not known of loves
Or nymphs or men;


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Recent Light Poems
by Adriano Rada


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by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

Moon is a lonesome voyeur
Who peeks down lustfully at the silhouetted nudity of Night.
Peccant, she does it with overt grandeur,
Reluming steadily crackling embers of a smouldering light.

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by Pilgrim Roy

Light, uncreated shining upon the earth
born within the stable by virgin birth.
Light, immortal descending from above;
embracing the world with God's perfect love.

Light, resplendent illuminating the way,
dispelling the darkness and brightening the day.
Light, inextinguishable even in death,
crying 'Father forgive' with His dying breath.


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I come from a star
by Baramundi Roy

Light through the darkness comes from afar
Shining in the night sky from every star.
travelling across such vast distances
and speaking into today's circumstances.

What are you saying to me, oh wondrous star?
What is the message that you have brought so far?
It speaks of distances beyond comprehension.
It speaks of the splendour of God’s creation.


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Light Needed Within
by Somali Mukherjee

There's light everywhere;
Still, our hearts are full of murk;
We need light indeed.

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  • John Keble
    John Keble (60 poems about Light)
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  • John Hay
    John Hay (42 poems about Light)
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  • Edwin Arlington Robinson
    Edwin Arlington Robinson (42 poems about Light)
    22 December 1869 – 6 April 1935 / Maine / United States
  • Rabindranath Tagore
    Rabindranath Tagore (41 poems about Light)
    Gurudev] (7 May 1861 – 7 August 1941 / Calcutta (Kolkata), Bengal Presidency / British India
  • Alfred Lord Tennyson
    Alfred Lord Tennyson (39 poems about Light)
    6 August 1809 – 6 October 1892 / Lincoln / England
  • Rupert Brooke
    Rupert Brooke (38 poems about Light)
    1887-1915 / Warwickshire / England
  • Henry Wadswor Longfellow
    Henry Wadswor Longfellow (38 poems about Light)
    27 February 1807 – 24 March 1882 / Portland, Maine
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