World Poems

Popular World Poems
War Is Never Over
by Cecil L. Harrison

War is never over
Thought the treaties may be signed
The memories of the battles
Are forever in our minds

War is never over
So when you welcome heroes home
Remember in their minds they hold
Memories known to them alone


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by Laxmi Prasad Devkota

Oh yes, friend! I'm crazy-
that's just the way I am.

I see sounds,
I hear sights,
I taste smells,
I touch not heaven but things from the underworld,
things people do not believe exist,


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In A London Drawingroom
by George Eliot

The sky is cloudy, yellowed by the smoke.
For view there are the houses opposite
Cutting the sky with one long line of wall
Like solid fog: far as the eye can stretch
Monotony of surface & of form
Without a break to hang a guess upon.
No bird can make a shadow as it flies,
For all is shadow, as in ways o'erhung
By thickest canvass, where the golden rays
Are clothed in hemp. No figure lingering


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by Amy Lowell

They brought me a quilled, yellow dahlia,
Opulent, flaunting.
Round gold
Flung out of a pale green stalk.
Round, ripe gold
Of maturity,
Meticulously frilled and flaming,
A fire-ball of proclamation:
Fecundity decked in staring yellow
For all the world to see.


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De Profundis Clamavi
by Charles Baudelaire

Have pity, You alone whom I adore
From down this black pit where my heart is sped,
A sombre universe ringed round with lead
Where fear and curses the long night explore.

Six months a cold sun hovers overhead;
The other six is night upon this land.
No beast; no stream; no wood; no leaves expand.
The desert Pole is not a waste so dead.


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Recent World Poems
America The Great Has Fallen
by Christen Kuikoua

Oh America The Great, What Happened?
You were the land of the free, the home of the brave,
But now you are the kingdom of the lost, the empire of the depraved.
A nation built on righteousness, now swallowed by darkness.
Your streets bleed with the cries of the innocent,
Your towers rise on the graves of morality,
And your people bow—not to God, but to greed, to perversion, to chaos.

Oh America The Great, What Happened?
You butcher the unborn in clinics called sanctuaries,


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You are my world
by Aldo Kraas

You are my world
And in your world
I want to live
Forever father
Also, it is amazing
How you have
Created your world
Before you created
Human beings


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The modern world
by Zita Chr

He was the flower of his world
Modernizing fabels and myths
All he could do was wait
Into a world no one fits

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Ephemeral World
by Saleh Ben Saleh

No mortal should be fooled by the worlds ephemeral splender,
have people lost their souls?
or just unable to feel Sonder.
Modest the kindful may seem,
but be aware of what kindness may render.

Tempting the world maybe,
but only a coward would relinquish his honour or surrender.
You may mock me today,
but my morals are not for sale,


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Hardship & Hope
by Saleh Ben Saleh

Dare I dream of hope in a world that's self consuming,
and dare I dream of a home where hearts are always blooming.
Peaceful the mind would be in a land I am assuming,
but hardship is what we find in a world that should be booming.

Wisdom shall be your guide in moments that are confusing,
and damned our lives would be if faith we are accusing.
Clouded are peoples minds with rage that’s over fuming,
and lost are those who think that life is just amusing.


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