Wonder Poems

Popular Wonder Poems
by Gautam Krishna

You are but one of many, who seek to see the dream,
Chasing the unknown, pressured by your own self esteem,
You are bound by nature, the rules wider than the seas,
An un-caged bird wanting to be set free,
Those stars that you can't count, and those you wish to be,
Those years that you look back, wondering "Oh, what might've been"

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The Star Witness
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

While we walked home from the movies, one moonlit starry night,
My friends and I talked and laughed, enjoying summer's delights.

The streets were quite silent, as trees swayed in warm breezes,
And night blooms graced the walks, like evening's masterpieces!

The birds were still singing, and jeweled fireflies were out,
Winking off and on magically, in the temporary world blackout!

We had stopped for ice cream, and ate our cones as we walked,


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Beauty in the Dark
by Nicole B

Her beauty crept through her bones and oozed through her pores.

As she spoke gold dripped from her tongue and fire spit from her lips

The Panther in the shadows walked with grace and certainty

Hungry for attention, affection, and a spark to ignite her life she pawed down every compliment thrown at her

She satisfied to be unsatisfied. To simply exist in the darkness where there was very little to hurt her and even less to make her happy


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by B4 n/a

I broke a mirror the other day.
It shattered me, but I was fine.
For the me that I saw on display
Was just an I from another time.

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If I Stay
by Raina Hutchins

If I stay will you hold me
And comfort me through my tears
If I go will you miss me
And live with regret through the years

If I stay will you kiss me
With the passion you used to show
If I go will you let me
Be someone you used to know


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Recent Wonder Poems
The Wonder Boys
by Michael R. Burch

These are poems for poets and poems about poets. Also, poems about the art and craft of writing poetry...

The Wonder Boys
by Michael R. Burch

(for Leslie Mellichamp, the late editor of The Lyric,
who was a friend and mentor to many poets, and
a fine poet in his own right)


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I See The Sun
by Pijush Biswas

I see the sun run over the sea, later set
Below the horizon of Bay of Bengal, every evening
And the sea I see threat
The boys and girls, and sing
Whimsically, 'O, I'm now giant, be alert';
So they go apart.

I see the sun run over the meadow, later hide
Behind the trees of beautiful Bengal, every evening
And the meadow I see bid


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The Storm
by B4 n/a

clouds rain
eyes strain
through liquid lines on window pane
lines arc
mind sparks
seeking secrets in the dark
clock ticks
thoughts flick
philosopher to lunatic
booms crack


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by B4 n/a

I broke a mirror the other day.
It shattered me, but I was fine.
For the me that I saw on display
Was just an I from another time.

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Have you ever really wondered?
by Pilgrim Roy

Have you ever really wondered?
Stopped your busyness and pondered,
and taken the time to work out,
what Christmas is really all about?

Why all the Christmas decorations
and hard work and preparations?
Why do we give out the presents
if Christmas is only a pretence?


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