Wife Poems

Popular Wife Poems
When she’s sick I’m so in trouble. In the words of a hapless husband
by Dr. Robert Ippaso

When she’s sick I’m so in trouble
Rocks my world, bursts my bubble,
All at once my head is spinning,
Forehead aching, hair fast thinning.

I’m not trained to handle chores,
Clean the house, go to stores,
Cook the meals, feed the kids,
My existence on the skids.


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Be Very Careful To Make A Woman Cry
by Shaila Touchton

Women are created in the image of God just as men are
Females are seen by Jesus as genuine persons
Not simply as the objects of male desire
Every family has disagreements, conflicts
Some men treat her with bitterness and uncontrolled anger,
They quarrel with her, abuse her,
Some Men are so rude, violent, controlling, and hatred
They do not reflect the love of Christ to her

For the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God


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I'm In Jail Because of My Wife's Breasts
by Randy Johnson

Even though my wife is somebody who I love and adore.
She decided not to let me touch or see her boobs anymore.
Every time I wanted to see or caress them, she said no and I would cry.
She wouldn't let me anywhere near them and she told me the reason why.
She said that I couldn't see or touch them because I'm poor.
She said that I could see and touch them if I got rich but not before.
But I've always been so poor that I'm destitute.
Last month, I decided to rob a bank to get the loot.
I was caught by the cops after they shot me in the dick.
I knew that I would go to jail, I knew that I was licked.


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Day without you
by Slava P, aka Maximus Decimus Meridius

Day without you Looks like wasted
Feels like wasted If you may
Even hours without you Feels like ages
Feels like crazy Will you stay?

Ill share with you My dreams my thoughts
You are the love of my life
We bring together All our strength
To keep it worth while


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An Angry Young Husband Called Bicket
by John Galsworthy

An angry young husband called Bicket
Said: 'Turn yourself round and I'll kick it
You have painted my wife
In the nude to the life
Do you think, Mr Greene, it was cricket?'

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Recent Wife Poems
A Golfing Wife
by Dr. Robert Ippaso

As a non-golfing husband I revel at tales
Of sunshine filled days chasing small balls,
Some in the rough others in sand,
All these brave girls fighting nature's pitfalls.

I hear of the times the flock of wild ducks
Hindered a drive that was perfectly hit,
And what of those trees that magically moved
With a subsequent shout 'I just want to quit'.


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Be Very Careful To Make A Woman Cry
by Shaila Touchton

Women are created in the image of God just as men are
Females are seen by Jesus as genuine persons
Not simply as the objects of male desire
Every family has disagreements, conflicts
Some men treat her with bitterness and uncontrolled anger,
They quarrel with her, abuse her,
Some Men are so rude, violent, controlling, and hatred
They do not reflect the love of Christ to her

For the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God


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open casket funeral
by Bogdan Dragos

what would be the reason
to have an open casket funeral?

Why should the living
see the dead?

He addressed the questions to no one
in particular
but his dead wife answered from the
picture on the wall


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When she’s sick I’m so in trouble. In the words of a hapless husband
by Dr. Robert Ippaso

When she’s sick I’m so in trouble
Rocks my world, bursts my bubble,
All at once my head is spinning,
Forehead aching, hair fast thinning.

I’m not trained to handle chores,
Clean the house, go to stores,
Cook the meals, feed the kids,
My existence on the skids.


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Day without you
by Slava P, aka Maximus Decimus Meridius

Day without you Looks like wasted
Feels like wasted If you may
Even hours without you Feels like ages
Feels like crazy Will you stay?

Ill share with you My dreams my thoughts
You are the love of my life
We bring together All our strength
To keep it worth while


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