Von krafftebing Poems

Popular Von krafftebing Poems
while reading r. von krafft-ebing remembering r. brautigan
by Matthew Conrad

.if you had any, you'd also know, that the act of urinating, while standing up, is equivalent to a video of a woman masturbating in the shower... although... in this scenario: water isn't coming in, it's coming out. fuck! i hate being lectured by circumcised men that aren't rabbis!

i always wondered whether
richard brautigan
was right about laughing
in bed, with one of his girlfriends,
giggling at the work
of richard von krafft-ebing
when it came to the act
of a man, masturbating...


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Recent Von krafftebing Poems
while reading r. von krafft-ebing remembering r. brautigan
by Matthew Conrad

.if you had any, you'd also know, that the act of urinating, while standing up, is equivalent to a video of a woman masturbating in the shower... although... in this scenario: water isn't coming in, it's coming out. fuck! i hate being lectured by circumcised men that aren't rabbis!

i always wondered whether
richard brautigan
was right about laughing
in bed, with one of his girlfriends,
giggling at the work
of richard von krafft-ebing
when it came to the act
of a man, masturbating...


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Popular Poets about Von krafftebing From Members
  • Matthew Conrad
    Matthew Conrad (1 poems about Von krafftebing)
    May 15, 1986 - Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski