Verse Poems

Popular Verse Poems
Verses To Collector Mitchell
by Robert Burns

FRIEND of the Poet, tried and leal,
Wha, wanting thee, might beg or steal;
Alake, alake, the meikle deil
Wi' a' his witches
Are at it skelpin jig and reel,
In my poor pouches?
I modestly fu' fain wad hint it,
That One-pound-one, I sairly want it;
If wi' the hizzie down ye sent it,
It would be kind;


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Forgotten Verse
by J. P. Ehlert

There is a verse I forgot to write.
It lingers in my mind.
Like a song unsung or bell unrung it waits—
Waits for my pen to give it life.

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by Evelyn Judy Buehler

the sun is
descending fast
shadows reveal a
purple martin plunging

fluttering like the wind
drifting in sunshine
petals dance too


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Verses Written With A Pencil At The Inn At Kenmore
by Robert Burns

ADMIRING Nature in her wildest grace,
These northern scenes with weary feet I trace;
O'er many a winding dale and painful steep,
Th' abodes of covey'd grouse and timid sheep,
My savage journey, curious, I pursue,
Till fam'd Breadalbane opens to my view.—
The meeting cliffs each deep-sunk glen divides,
The woods wild scatter'd, clothe their ample sides;
Th' outstretching lake, imbosomed 'mong the hills,
The eye with wonder and amazement fills;


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Saffron Spring
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Blooms bountiful on laughter lane
Purple peonies after raging rain
May melodies, sunshine songs
in emerald elms and garden green
A waking world, scents swirled
Saffron spring, scarlet ruby rose ~
Creamy clouds roam restlessly, slow.

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Recent Verse Poems
Forgotten Verse
by J. P. Ehlert

There is a verse I forgot to write.
It lingers in my mind.
Like a song unsung or bell unrung it waits—
Waits for my pen to give it life.

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Sunshine of Our Lives
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Ring around crimson roses
butterscotch sun comes around
lavishing mellow yellows upon
lifestyles on the ground

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Saffron Spring
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Blooms bountiful on laughter lane
Purple peonies after raging rain
May melodies, sunshine songs
in emerald elms and garden green
A waking world, scents swirled
Saffron spring, scarlet ruby rose ~
Creamy clouds roam restlessly, slow.

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Summer Song
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

all day
caught in gold
green life
of hues
scenic views
flush blooms are there


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by Evelyn Judy Buehler

the sun is
descending fast
shadows reveal a
purple martin plunging

fluttering like the wind
drifting in sunshine
petals dance too


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