Usa Poems

Popular Usa Poems
The Boxer - in Trumps own words
by Dr. Robert Ippaso

I play by the rules day in and day out,
Showing my class, wielding my clout.
I take the hard blows time and again,
Knowing my patience shan't be in vain.

Joe's on the ropes, all by himself,
Waiting around to be dumped on the shelf,
Restraint is my friend, as I pull back and watch,
Those flailing wild jabs I so easily dodge.


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Bidens Quandary
by Dr. Robert Ippaso

Mumbling, stumbling, inaudible rambling,
The pity, the pain all but Biden now feel,
A spent man bereft, resorting to grumbling,
The fishing line out for opponents to reel.

How did we now reach this insufferable place,
Where a once wily Joe spun his fine web,
Enticing, enveloping with street gotten grace,
His mock Irish banter making folks fall in step.


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Now it’s my boxes? In Trumps own words
by Dr. Robert Ippaso

Can you believe it, indicted again,
By a bunch of pure zealots, callous grey men,
Political hacks given the task,
To take down the Don and in the limelight then bask.
Find any cause, invent a good ruse,
Just make it stick, all tricks good to use.

But boxes of stuff, how low can they get,
Papers with socks stacked in the shower, some wet,
All safely collected in my place at the beach,


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Our Society must change
by Dr. Robert Ippaso

Does society need a push to be made just,
Can we not together find solutions set to last,
Homelessness and poverty rife with shame,
With people given numbers but no name.

Are we so callous, blind and proud
To block our ears from cries so very loud,
Their wants and needs not our concern,
As we shake our heads with gazes stern.


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Sotto Il Ponte A Del Rio, Texas, Stati Uniti D'america
by Hébert Logerie

Sotto Il Ponte A Del Rio, Texas, Stati Uniti D'america

Sotto il ponte a Del Rio sono fermi, bloccati, appostati, accerchiati
Ammucchiati migliaia di migranti Haitiani, non Ucraini
Francamente, se fossero questi ultimi, non sarebbero sanzionati
Detenuti, umiliati, maltrattati e deportati come haitiani
Come mandrie di bestiame nei centri di detenzione in Messico o nella loro Patria
È stupido, triste, odioso e ripugnante per vedere i trattamenti barbari
E le umiliazioni inflitte loro dagli agenti della Border Patrol
Che sono essi stessi discendenti di migranti poveri e un tempo disperati I migranti, come tutti noi, cercano semplicemente una vita migliore in una terra diversa


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Recent Usa Poems
The Boxer - in Trumps own words
by Dr. Robert Ippaso

I play by the rules day in and day out,
Showing my class, wielding my clout.
I take the hard blows time and again,
Knowing my patience shan't be in vain.

Joe's on the ropes, all by himself,
Waiting around to be dumped on the shelf,
Restraint is my friend, as I pull back and watch,
Those flailing wild jabs I so easily dodge.


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Bidens Quandary
by Dr. Robert Ippaso

Mumbling, stumbling, inaudible rambling,
The pity, the pain all but Biden now feel,
A spent man bereft, resorting to grumbling,
The fishing line out for opponents to reel.

How did we now reach this insufferable place,
Where a once wily Joe spun his fine web,
Enticing, enveloping with street gotten grace,
His mock Irish banter making folks fall in step.


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Who's left but me - in Joe Bidens words
by Dr. Robert Ippaso

I know I'm slightly losing it and Jill sees that now too,
So all we can but hope for is to Bluster and to Woo.
What If I sometimes falter with names or something more,
Only Fox is bent on keeping that lame and pointless score.
The rest of my fan Media provides me with great flak,
While I air my inner Irish and repeatedly attack.

As to the clueless voters I truly feel for all,
I quietly do get them, as the choices do appall.
Trump is but a cannon with a worn-out rusty bore,


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My obsession just to win – in Trump’s own words
by Dr. Robert Ippaso

My head is in a spin,
My obsession just to win,
I'm driven and I'm mad
All I smell is gushing blood.

I feel I'm in a surreal game
That shooting sort - so very lame,
Where targets pop-up all around,
Nothing ever out of bounds.


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Watching them cringe - in Trump's own words
by Dr. Robert Ippaso

Assailed, maligned, hounded and betrayed
And all for why, simply for the game I played,
My aim to win but of course the lefties don't agree,
Their views alone are all they ever want to see.

Control and power their only final goal,
That's why I say it was they that really stole
All those elections across our glorious land,
They and the Media, such a sordid little band.


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