Universe Poems

Popular Universe Poems
The Star Witness
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

While we walked home from the movies, one moonlit starry night,
My friends and I talked and laughed, enjoying summer's delights.

The streets were quite silent, as trees swayed in warm breezes,
And night blooms graced the walks, like evening's masterpieces!

The birds were still singing, and jeweled fireflies were out,
Winking off and on magically, in the temporary world blackout!

We had stopped for ice cream, and ate our cones as we walked,


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by alexis karpouzos

Little by little
we will turn into stars.
Little by little
we will turn into the infinite universe.
Little by little
we will spin in eternal ecstasy,
hand in hand,
pure love that flows.

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The Power of Love
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

The vast universe is so pure and lovely ~ rippling from a big bang's heart.

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In the Gloaming
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

I was a daydreamer and stargazer, who eagerly awaited calm nights of glitter,
Like blue skies warily turning pink, plum and red, as orange sun sinks, bitter.

I grew familiar with diverse constellations, along the different astral avenues,
Vanishing in the pink dawn of golden, like perpetual lime spring, begun anew.

Mystic planets of my shady, solar precincts, soon became a lot more familiar,
Like dreamy twilights of sweet romance, when the gigantic moon is a thriller!

Flamboyant flowers fumed fragrance, as my friends found me on fun Fridays,


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the quilt of our universe
by Sarah A

A different kind of love inspires me
the type you have for this funny ole thing

The collective strives
for a balance of dwellers

Everyone living their own dream
each their very own storyteller

Adding on their thread


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Recent Universe Poems
High above Us
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

I shall always long for the fraternity
Among stars as they party,
Night after night,
Their drunken eyes twinkling with lite.

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Infinite worlds - Alexis karpouzos
by alexis karpouzos

In the cosmic dance of swirling lights,
Where stars are born and darkness fights,
The universe whispers secrets old,
In silver threads and dust of gold.

Galaxies twirl in elegant grace,
Each a part of the endless space,
Planets orbit in silent tunes,
Around their suns, like drifting balloons.


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In the Gloaming
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

I was a daydreamer and stargazer, who eagerly awaited calm nights of glitter,
Like blue skies warily turning pink, plum and red, as orange sun sinks, bitter.

I grew familiar with diverse constellations, along the different astral avenues,
Vanishing in the pink dawn of golden, like perpetual lime spring, begun anew.

Mystic planets of my shady, solar precincts, soon became a lot more familiar,
Like dreamy twilights of sweet romance, when the gigantic moon is a thriller!

Flamboyant flowers fumed fragrance, as my friends found me on fun Fridays,


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High Class
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

I was an elementary school teacher, with dreaming eyes to the rosy future,
Like the emerald, cherry blossom season, arriving later rather than sooner.

As a creative teacher, I was so popular, as children were my pearled world,
Like the blooming cloud covered expanse, where spicy wind's lately swirled.

I looked forward to adventurous hours, like time with no backward motion,
In deep thrill of golden, new discoveries, of which none had a vague notion.

Evenings with friends, among roses, found nightingale still sweetly singing,


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All Come Together
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

gravity holds us together, for opposites attract ~
we're stardust

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