Tribute Poems

Popular Tribute Poems
Amazing Grace!
by Adelana Victor

If only I had known the last time I saw you was going to be my last,
I would have hugged and held onto you so tightly,
Not even the Grim Reaper would have been able to rip you from my grip.

If only I could see you smile once more,
I would immortalize it in a photograph,
And hang it in the hallway of Eternity.

During the short time I knew you,
You put more smiles on my face


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الشكر أهديه إلى صبري خلف - Poem by خليل السك
by خليل السكاكيني

الشكر أهديه إلى صبري خلف
من بالمروءة والسماح قد اتصف
ماضي العزيمة لا يشق غباره
لكنه ما حاد قط عن الشرف
تنباكه يحيي النفوس عبيره
لكنّه ما حاد قط عن الشرف
لو بتّ ليلي لا أقر من الأسى
أو كان قلبي قد ألم به التلف
دخّنت من تنباكه فإذا الذي
أشكوه من هذا البلاء قد انكشف


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سلامٌ فاحَ كالوردِ النصيبي - Poem by وردة اليازجي
by وردة اليازجي

سلامٌ فاحَ كالوردِ النصيبي
يُساقُ لذلكَ الربعِ الخصيبِ
سلامٌ في سلامٍ في سلامٍ
تَحمَّلَ نشرَهُ ريحُ الجنوبِ
إلى من في الكمال لهُ صفاتٌ
كمسكٍ فاحَ منهُ كلُّ طيبِ
أديبٌ كاملٌ فطنٌ لبيبٌ
أريبٌ ناظمُ الدرِّ الرطيبِ
وديعُ الخُلقِ ذو قلبٍ سليم
جميلُ الخَلقِ ذو صدرٍ رحيبِ


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Roots (For Alex Haley)
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

Pensile clouds of a new Truth loom.
With them are selected versions of
Extinct grief.

Looking through the yellowness of a
Dog’s eyes, this aura of Truth, pervasive,
Sours my palate.

What say the bulletins and tabloids
In their speech potency?


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The Last Poem
by Kamal Nasser

Beloved, if perchance word of my death reaches you
As, alone, you fondle my only child
Eagerly awaiting my return,
Shed no tears in sorrow for me
For in my homeland
Life is degradation and wounds
And in my eyes the call of danger rings.
Beloved, if word of my death reaches you
And the lovers cry out:
The loyal one has departed, his visage gone forever,


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Recent Tribute Poems
Amazing Grace!
by Adelana Victor

If only I had known the last time I saw you was going to be my last,
I would have hugged and held onto you so tightly,
Not even the Grim Reaper would have been able to rip you from my grip.

If only I could see you smile once more,
I would immortalize it in a photograph,
And hang it in the hallway of Eternity.

During the short time I knew you,
You put more smiles on my face


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Roots (For Alex Haley)
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

Pensile clouds of a new Truth loom.
With them are selected versions of
Extinct grief.

Looking through the yellowness of a
Dog’s eyes, this aura of Truth, pervasive,
Sours my palate.

What say the bulletins and tabloids
In their speech potency?


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Dear Teacher- "A tribute to them"
by Snigdha Burman

Dear teacher, You are the best
You really stand out among the rest
As you plant a seed of curiosity and motivation,
We know & grow & succeed
Every lesson you teach,
Inspires us to dream, to work & to reach
You work hard every day & night,
To make us very bright
Every word spoken for you seems to be less,
I sometimes wonder do you ever rest?


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A Last Tribute -01
by Subhas Chandra Chakra

Once upon a time, dear
This day, every year
Made me bathe in tear-
As it came so near.

At a pretty little past
Although it'd be the last,
For things fade so fast
't was day of my heart.


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It's midnight in Arles
by Lea Noir

I sit across from you in the dimly lit café
Your eyes are restless, your hands are stained with paint
Silent strangers inspect each other helpless
Tell me of your visions, your fears, your dreams
You speak of stars in Arles, sunflowers, colours and light

We sip our coffee, we smoke our pipes, we watch the night
You smile at me as we forget ourselves in someone's bloodstream

You are a genius, a madman, a tortured soul


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