Tattoos Poems

Popular Tattoos Poems
Tattoos (Haiku)

Beastly marks to Fall,
Carriers of fleshly traits,
Destroy God's temple.

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"You said"
by Author Reinvented

You said we crawled up out of the darkness
You label us with murderers and rapists
You cry "heathens" with pointing fingers,
Claim us as children of "Him"

You say our work is wicked work
Our bodies are not our own
And we mutilated something great
And stole from the Greatest


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hope she’s okay wherever she is
by Bogdan Dragos

she kept saying how much she
hated her tattoos

and kept showing them
to us

"Got 'em when I was young and
dumb and now I
jus' wanna rip my skin off."


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Recent Tattoos Poems
Tattoos (Haiku)

Beastly marks to Fall,
Carriers of fleshly traits,
Destroy God's temple.

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hope she’s okay wherever she is
by Bogdan Dragos

she kept saying how much she
hated her tattoos

and kept showing them
to us

"Got 'em when I was young and
dumb and now I
jus' wanna rip my skin off."


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"You said"
by Author Reinvented

You said we crawled up out of the darkness
You label us with murderers and rapists
You cry "heathens" with pointing fingers,
Claim us as children of "Him"

You say our work is wicked work
Our bodies are not our own
And we mutilated something great
And stole from the Greatest


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Popular Poets about Tattoos From Members
    MBJ PANCRAS (1 poems about Tattoos)
    India, August 22, 1961