Tanka Poems

Popular Tanka Poems
Night's Many Colors
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Mysterious blue
as midnight moonlight spills on
meandering dreams.
Once butterflies' ball is done
merlot bliss lies past the sun!

Red Mars reveries
join nights of mulberry rose
camouflaging green.
So many are not sleeping


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by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Rhododendron poof
and purple fumes fill my world
Lavish, rich nature.
Maroon like the dawn of days
greeting the sun's honey glaze.

Saffron finch descends
to join the elegant crowd
vast and varying
in colors of the rainbow


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Sunrise Strut
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Dawn rooster's crowing
red and gold cock of the walk
Flecked stars are fleeing.
Pink sky alarms are sounding
as stealthy night goes, creeping.

Perched at verge of day
is cock of the crystal clock.
Blooms are anywhere
on morning of fading moon,


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by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Lavender roses
tossed in bright, silver sunlight
Chrysanthemum spells.
Lilies of the valley ring
just when redbirds start to sing.

Marmalade clouds roam
into pink skies of evening-
Jade cactus passion!
Moon appeared, fortunes to tell


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Redwood Skies
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Redwoods cloaked in green
home to golden birds, singing
up in true blue skies
So ancient and prodigious
hailing the stars and the moon

Redwood rosy morn
redwood soaked in the sunset
with silent breezes
Lord of the dark green forest


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Recent Tanka Poems
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Lavender roses
tossed in bright, silver sunlight
Chrysanthemum spells.
Lilies of the valley ring
just when redbirds start to sing.

Marmalade clouds roam
into pink skies of evening-
Jade cactus passion!
Moon appeared, fortunes to tell


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Night's Many Colors
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Mysterious blue
as midnight moonlight spills on
meandering dreams.
Once butterflies' ball is done
merlot bliss lies past the sun!

Red Mars reveries
join nights of mulberry rose
camouflaging green.
So many are not sleeping


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Sunrise Strut
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Dawn rooster's crowing
red and gold cock of the walk
Flecked stars are fleeing.
Pink sky alarms are sounding
as stealthy night goes, creeping.

Perched at verge of day
is cock of the crystal clock.
Blooms are anywhere
on morning of fading moon,


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Season of Bloom
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Late June's musky days
and gardens tell their rapture
in colorful fumes.
Such feverish excitement
in season of bloom, verdant!

Scarlet and gold reign
'Til peach and plum take over
Pinks and blues follow.
Muggy days and heady nights


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by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Rhododendron poof
and purple fumes fill my world
Lavish, rich nature.
Maroon like the dawn of days
greeting the sun's honey glaze.

Saffron finch descends
to join the elegant crowd
vast and varying
in colors of the rainbow


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