Sunshine Poems

Popular Sunshine Poems
Lines Composed In A Wood On A Windy Day
by Anne Brontë

My soul is awakened, my spirit is soaring
And carried aloft on the wings of the breeze;
For above and around me the wild wind is roaring,
Arousing to rapture the earth and the seas.
The long withered grass in the sunshine is glancing,
The bare trees are tossing their branches on high;
The dead leaves, beneath them, are merrily dancing,
The white clouds are scudding across the blue sky.

I wish I could see how the ocean is lashing


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by Richard Kell

They paddle with staccato feet
In powder-pools of sunlight,
Small blue busybodies
Strutting like fat gentlemen
With hands clasped
Under their swallowtail coats;
And, as they stump about,
Their heads like tiny hammers
Tap at imaginary nails
In non-existent walls.


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Carry On
by Robert William Service

It's easy to fight when everything's right,
And you're mad with the thrill and the glory;
It's easy to cheer when victory's near,
And wallow in fields that are gory.
It's a different song when everything's wrong,
When you're feeling infernally mortal;
When it's ten against one, and hope there is none,
Buck up, little soldier, and chortle:

Carry on! Carry on!


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My Undying Love for You
by Christen Kuikoua

I want you in my life
for today, tomorrow and forever.
Everything feels empty
when you are not around,
but our love is what keeps me going.
Nothing can explain fully how fortunate I am
to have you in my life.
For Loving you has become a must for me
It is no longer a choice or and option.
If there’s one thing


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Without You
by Adrian Henri

Without you every morning would feel like going back to work after a holiday,
Without you I couldn't stand the smell of the East Lancs Road,
Without you ghost ferries would cross the Mersey manned by skeleton crews,
Without you I'd probably feel happy and have more money and time and nothing to do with it,
Without you I'd have to leave my stillborn poems on other people's doorsteps, wrapped in brown paper,
Without you there'd never be sauce to put on sausage butties,
Without you plastic flowers in shop windows would just be plastic flowers in shop windows,
Without you I'd spend my summers picking morosley over the remains of train crashes,
Without you white birds would wrench themselves free from my paintings and fly off dripping blood into the night,
Without you green apples wouldn't taste greener,


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Recent Sunshine Poems
Sunrays Slanted
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

powder puff clouds laze
o'er fields of hued floral flame
mellow sun glimpses

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Bougainvillea Bedazzle
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

cascades of color
creates fragrance enigma

purple sun pastime
and lushness now has a name
sangria dawn fame

peach noon honey glazed
lends sparkle to cherry blooms


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It's a Hummer
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

peach sun has come back
long hours of rain and thunder
hummingbird plunder

hued blooms gather with
the stunning jeweled wonder
stained rite of summer

noon pause for orange
and backwards flight aflutter


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Snuggled in Sunshine
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

lost in gold glamour
hammock trees whisper green breeze
lotus color sprees

a warm noon warning
of soon tangerine caress
dragonfly's address

swinging sage summer
June beauties in lemon squeeze


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Dancing With Daisies
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

whirling in daisies
multicolored blooms in hair
summertime affair

Caressing petals
Light steps frolic in beauty
as breezes chase blooms.
Raspberry days so fruity
Clouds stand still for yellow sheen.


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