Sunset Poems

Popular Sunset Poems
by Rupert Brooke

When the white flame in us is gone,
And we that lost the world's delight
Stiffen in darkness, left alone
To crumble in our separate night;

When your swift hair is quiet in death,
And through the lips corruption thrust
Has stilled the labour of my breath --
When we are dust, when we are dust! --


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by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Lavender roses
tossed in bright, silver sunlight
Chrysanthemum spells.
Lilies of the valley ring
just when redbirds start to sing.

Marmalade clouds roam
into pink skies of evening-
Jade cactus passion!
Moon appeared, fortunes to tell


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A Standstill
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

creamiest bouquet
white daisies touched by red sun
in aged day's glow

marvelous mauve walls
tell stories of sun's passing
birds whistle blithely

glass lake reveals moon
that's peeping at the window


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Last Ride Together, The
by Robert Browning


I said---Then, dearest, since 'tis so,
Since now at length my fate I know,
Since nothing all my love avails,
Since all, my life seemed meant for, fails,
Since this was written and needs must be---
My whole heart rises up to bless
Your name in pride and thankfulness!
Take back the hope you gave,---I claim


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Sunset by Michael R. Burch
by Michael R. Burch

by Michael R. Burch

for my grandfather, George Edwin Hurt Sr., on the day he departed this life

Between the prophecies of morning
and twilight’s revelations of wonder,
the sky is ripped asunder.

The moon lurks in the clouds,


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Recent Sunset Poems
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Lavender roses
tossed in bright, silver sunlight
Chrysanthemum spells.
Lilies of the valley ring
just when redbirds start to sing.

Marmalade clouds roam
into pink skies of evening-
Jade cactus passion!
Moon appeared, fortunes to tell


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Our Sun imprints heavy July
by Amy Michelle Mosier

Our Sun imprints heavy July
Upon a crimson sunset.
The first star I see in the west
Brings with it a cobalt sigh ...

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A Standstill
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

creamiest bouquet
white daisies touched by red sun
in aged day's glow

marvelous mauve walls
tell stories of sun's passing
birds whistle blithely

glass lake reveals moon
that's peeping at the window


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Sunset by Michael R. Burch
by Michael R. Burch

by Michael R. Burch

for my grandfather, George Edwin Hurt Sr., on the day he departed this life

Between the prophecies of morning
and twilight’s revelations of wonder,
the sky is ripped asunder.

The moon lurks in the clouds,


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Burnt Orange
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

magenta magic
recently escaped eve's skies
darkening to plum

crows caw on the wing
as pink sun turns red-orange
day goes up in flames

mango berry crush
mahogany shadows move


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