Suicide Poems

Popular Suicide Poems
by Stevie Smith

I remember the Roman Emperor, one of the cruellest of them,
Who used to visit for pleasure his poor prisoners cramped in dungeons,
So then they would beg him for death, and then he would say:
Oh no, oh no, we are not yet friends enough.
He meant they were not yet friends enough for him to give them death.
So I fancy my Muse says, when I wish to die:
Oh no, Oh no, we are not yet friends enough,

And Virtue also says:
We are not yet friends enough.


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(end) Of Summer (1966)
by Bill Knott

I'm tired of murdering children.
Once, long ago today, they wanted to live;
now I feel Vietnam the place
where rigor mortis is beginning to set-in upon me.

I force silence down the throats of mutes,
down the throats of mating-cries of animals who know they are extinct.
The chameleon's death-soliloquy is your voice's pulse;
your scorched forehead a constellation's suicide-note.


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Final Moments
by Aheli Mustafi

I can hear the cars passing down below
The lights light up the street
I can feel the wind blowing on my face
I doubt anyone is looking for me
I am drowning in my own fear
I just want to be free
I am stuck in my body, waiting to be free
There are kids skipping on the pavement below
I’m so scared, I’m overflowed in my own fear
I can see every person, every dog, every cat walking on the street


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Lifeguard Clinging To A Steeple
by Bill Knott

Why are all the survivors of the needle's eye
nude, as if their lifethread had disrobed
rather than sewn them. Sans coat-fare,
we proceed it seems only to precede;
birth to burial, are not yet here.

But when did we first start embracing
the wakes of ourselves in each other rather
than each other? As the fruit falls
to hiatus us, its bloom spoiled by last year's cores.


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by Adriano Rada


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Recent Suicide Poems
by Adriano Rada


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Final Moments
by Aheli Mustafi

I can hear the cars passing down below
The lights light up the street
I can feel the wind blowing on my face
I doubt anyone is looking for me
I am drowning in my own fear
I just want to be free
I am stuck in my body, waiting to be free
There are kids skipping on the pavement below
I’m so scared, I’m overflowed in my own fear
I can see every person, every dog, every cat walking on the street


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Can you see it?
by Arvin Dassad

Can you see yourself laying there?
can you picture how its done?
will you see it the way she did,
a seat amongst shadows in that grand dark,

those black glasses pressed amongst matte lips,
eyes glinting , echoes of the light they shine,
do you know if you will care?
will the night air that pours in kiss your absent breaths


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another me
by Shri Vats

I wish to be kind and forgiving
but he only wishes for bloodshed.
Through the twisted Forest forever confusing
The world is a toy for the man inside my head.

He says he will never die
he claims to be me
But i know that's a lie.
As cruel as him i could never be


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Sad Knight
by Civl 12346

What would thou think of me tying rope to the tree?
With every strike mine own sword stabs back at me.
Perhaps I will let mine enemy pierce me,
For I can go on no longer.
Each day I sharpen and shine my blade.
And each day in its reflection I see myself fade.
If only the Fades could snip mine tarnished thread
And leave me strewn among the field with the other soldiers lying dead.

I look to the heavens; may He guide me.


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