Strange Poems

Popular Strange Poems
Mr. Tap-Tap
by Bogdan Dragos

When you see someone for long
enough you
get used to them
and then you start noticing
patterns in their behavior

he was their
teacher in
creative writing


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A Prohibition Is A Commandment
by Ayatullah Nurjati

It's strange in an area that there are so many violations
Prohibitions in the law as if always violated
Even though the myth is already thick there
It's strange when there is a sentence ordering don't do it

The law was made to be broken for the violator
Moreover, legal experts or legal experts seem immune to the law
For violators of the prohibition is an order to be carried out
How about me? I'm just an observer who occasionally violates, but only a little

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Recent Strange Poems
A Prohibition Is A Commandment
by Ayatullah Nurjati

It's strange in an area that there are so many violations
Prohibitions in the law as if always violated
Even though the myth is already thick there
It's strange when there is a sentence ordering don't do it

The law was made to be broken for the violator
Moreover, legal experts or legal experts seem immune to the law
For violators of the prohibition is an order to be carried out
How about me? I'm just an observer who occasionally violates, but only a little

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Mr. Tap-Tap
by Bogdan Dragos

When you see someone for long
enough you
get used to them
and then you start noticing
patterns in their behavior

he was their
teacher in
creative writing


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