Stars Poems

Popular Stars Poems
by Gautam Krishna

You are but one of many, who seek to see the dream,
Chasing the unknown, pressured by your own self esteem,
You are bound by nature, the rules wider than the seas,
An un-caged bird wanting to be set free,
Those stars that you can't count, and those you wish to be,
Those years that you look back, wondering "Oh, what might've been"

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by Melissa Thomas

I look to the stars above, searching for the answers that have always been here
Hidden underneath the lies told by those with brittle hearts and evil souls masked with an ever-innocent smile
Looking to lead people astray
Fueled by their disappointment
Their sadness
Their fear of exploring the unknown
I will look to the stars for guidance and let their light shine on the path I should lead and cast shadows on those with ill intentions

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I Lost My One And Only Moon While Gazing Upon The Stars
by Christen Kuikoua

I remember The First Day I Laid Sight On you
My heart Whispered You Are The One
That Day Was The Most Magical Day Of my Life
I Felt Like A Million Butterfly Beautiful With a Trillion Colors.
I Felt Like I Will Live Forever Loving you With All My Heart
And Never Disappear From Your Face
I Love You With So Much Passion
it became My Assignment to be With you.
But At last When I Lost You,
I Felt Like a broken Glass


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Oh joy! at the night sky
by Amy Michelle Mosier

Oh joy! at the night sky
And the wonder it declares.
How flirtatious! How they flare –
The many stars on high!

There's Castor and Pollux
And Rigel and Betelgeuse
And look! – Aldebaran bids adiós
As he swaggers west.

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Windswept Night
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

bluster in moonlight
all around lime trembling trees
and through fragrant fields

in a far flung dream
to be everywhere at once
under diamond stars

blooms have lost petals
there's howling in the valley


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Recent Stars Poems
Oh joy! at the night sky
by Amy Michelle Mosier

Oh joy! at the night sky
And the wonder it declares.
How flirtatious! How they flare –
The many stars on high!

There's Castor and Pollux
And Rigel and Betelgeuse
And look! – Aldebaran bids adiós
As he swaggers west.

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High above Us
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

I shall always long for the fraternity
Among stars as they party,
Night after night,
Their drunken eyes twinkling with lite.

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pearlescent, glance
by J. Burgess

The moon will never become our sun
Even if it crashed into a desert
With great sheets and burning embers
Of which you mould silver and gold
To shine on a delicate neck
It will float above our earth forever
Pearlescent, our kiss under a tree
Like a stage-light for bright moments
Washing us ashore with the tide
Onto a wet beach with white light


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Stormy Clouds
by Pijush Biswas

No stars, not even the moon risen-
Broken silence of the darkest night of June,
Rumbling, rattling sound; clouds ripen
Amid, to kiss the forehead of surging tune.

Slowly, slowly-the frozen wind blowing
As none to lull it; enough its to rage-
No rest, even unbridled its to mowing
No one save silva of the place, nor mage!


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Pearl Melody
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Pearl moon of music
drifting from night's dark window
the silver moon's song
Pretty notes from heart of night
and roses red in their beds

Milky moon love tune
Lilac fragrance fills the room
Purple dreams birds croon
Sparkle diamond stars darkly


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