Spirituality Poems

Popular Spirituality Poems
by Bhaskaranand Jha Bhaskar

She is succor sweet
In the water of my life

She is pure water
As Love in my heart


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by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

What colour is faith? –
that piece of trust in the cyst of
our pummelled heart, which thrusts up
and down the internal frescoes of our
being, slammed by nauseous dreams
we nurse and pass through on nights
that yodel atop ailing mountains
foundationed on our bleeding souls.

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by alexis karpouzos

Endless in space, living in the eternal motion of Substance, Thou, who wast before the flight of ages, who art impersonal in the three persons of Deity. Spirit present everywhere and indivisible, with no assigned abode and with no cause, whom none could understand as yet, who fills, embraces, creates and preserves everything by the very essence of itself, the One whom we call God.

Though a high intelligence might measure the deep ocean, and count the sands and the rays of planets, for Thee there is no number and no measure; even Spirits of Light, born of Thy Radiance, could not conceive of Thy ways; as soon as the thought dares to lift itself to Thee it is doomed to disappear in thy Greatness, like a moment, passing into eternity.

Thou hast called forth from the abysses of eternity the primordial existence of Chaos; and founded in Thyself this eternity born before the ages. Self-born and radiant, Thou art the light whence all light proceeds. Creating everything in one word, expanding in continually renewed creation, Thou hast been, Thou art, Thou shalt be forever.

Thou containest the chain of beings in Thyself, Thou sustainest it and givest it light. Thou makest the beginning harmonious with the end, and givest life through death. Like streaming and whirling sparks, so are the Suns born from Thee. Like crystals of frost sparkling, moving and shining on a clear frosty morning, so are the stars in the abysses below Thee.

The burning millions of stars stream in the immeasurable space, fulfilling Thy laws, and shedding lifegiving rays. But all these burning torches, and the ardent rocks of crystals, and the boiling hosts of golden waves, and the fiery ether and the totality of all possible shining when compared to Thee will be like night before day.


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by airatmaninravi AiR

What is the Soul, have you ever thought? 
Or is it a mystery in which you are caught? 
We all have a Soul, we seem to know 
Let's realize the truth before it is time to go

 It is the Soul that makes me live 
But, is it the one that makes me forgive? 
What is the function of the Soul? 
What does it do to make me whole?


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Dream vs Reality Both are illusions!
by airatmaninravi AiR

Why should I worry, it was just a Dream
It is not real, no need to scream
A Dream is an Illusion, though vivid it may seem

But Life is different; Life is real
Don’t we all suffer, don’t we all swirl?
Very few go deep to discover the treasure, the pearl

What is this Journey of Life on earth?
What is the Purpose of our human birth?


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Recent Spirituality Poems
by alexis karpouzos

Endless in space, living in the eternal motion of Substance, Thou, who wast before the flight of ages, who art impersonal in the three persons of Deity. Spirit present everywhere and indivisible, with no assigned abode and with no cause, whom none could understand as yet, who fills, embraces, creates and preserves everything by the very essence of itself, the One whom we call God.

Though a high intelligence might measure the deep ocean, and count the sands and the rays of planets, for Thee there is no number and no measure; even Spirits of Light, born of Thy Radiance, could not conceive of Thy ways; as soon as the thought dares to lift itself to Thee it is doomed to disappear in thy Greatness, like a moment, passing into eternity.

Thou hast called forth from the abysses of eternity the primordial existence of Chaos; and founded in Thyself this eternity born before the ages. Self-born and radiant, Thou art the light whence all light proceeds. Creating everything in one word, expanding in continually renewed creation, Thou hast been, Thou art, Thou shalt be forever.

Thou containest the chain of beings in Thyself, Thou sustainest it and givest it light. Thou makest the beginning harmonious with the end, and givest life through death. Like streaming and whirling sparks, so are the Suns born from Thee. Like crystals of frost sparkling, moving and shining on a clear frosty morning, so are the stars in the abysses below Thee.

The burning millions of stars stream in the immeasurable space, fulfilling Thy laws, and shedding lifegiving rays. But all these burning torches, and the ardent rocks of crystals, and the boiling hosts of golden waves, and the fiery ether and the totality of all possible shining when compared to Thee will be like night before day.


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by Jessica Leininger

Something is rotting inside me.
Nauseatingly sweet release.

I cross the street, looking around.
Safety has a price.

Banana condom taste test.
Red light’s gone out.

Nervous tic motion


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by Mpume Vilakazi

Such beauty is hidden it is not meant for the human eye for seeing.
It is a treasure to pirates that they will never find.
Such beauty that unravels the truth in man, it passes with the wind.
Not so strong but fragile in eternity. Your cells will feel it
passing through like medicine for curing heart infections.
It is so dear that every soul yearns for it, some minds think it’s
gained after war, some minds think it’s gained after success or equality
has been discovered in all trades of inefficiency, but where it is thought
to be gained comes with ones perception of it. And maybe,
just maybe you’ll touch it. Touch it with your heart when love has whelmed it,


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Towards the East
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

Craving the pulse of newness and
freshness of hatchlings,
dawn opens wide its door.

Towards the East,
the paterfamilias' familiar terrain of open lineage;
a lone pendant smiles.

It holds aloft the cemetery bliss,
opening buds of petals and re-greening blades


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by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

Silence faces the contours of a
somnolent east when winds from a
rising slope say their prayers in muffled
voices, through the raucous sounds of
rolling autumnal leaves, painted red and
orange by God’s apprentices here on this
fragile, rambunctious earth that pines away
when silence pulls its cloak up and yawns.

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