Song Poems

Popular Song Poems
by Ezra Pound

Go, my songs, seek your praise from the young
and from the intolerant,
Move among the lovers of perfection alone.
Seek ever to stand in the hard Sophoclean light
And take you wounds from it gladly.

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by Edna St. Vincent Millay

Boys and girls that held her dear,
Do your weeping now;
All you loved of her lies here.

Brought to earth the arrogant brow,
And the withering tongue
Chastened; do your weeping now.

Sing whatever songs are sung,
Wind whatever wreath,


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Song Of The Open Road
by Walt Whitman

AFOOT and light-hearted, I take to the open road,
Healthy, free, the world before me,
The long brown path before me, leading wherever I choose.

Henceforth I ask not good-fortune--I myself am good fortune;
Henceforth I whimper no more, postpone no more, need nothing,
Strong and content, I travel the open road.

The earth--that is sufficient;
I do not want the constellations any nearer;


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by Henry Van Dyke

The melancholy gift Aurora gained
From Jove, that her sad lover should not see
The face of death, no goddess asked for thee,
My Keats! But when the crimson blood-drop stained
Thy pillow, thou didst read the fate ordained, --
Brief life, wild love, a flight of poesy!
And then, -- a shadow fell on Italy:
Thy star went down before its brightness waned,

Yet thou hast won the gift Tithonus missed:


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by lily Vilchis

It was explained to me
the other day, that music
holds every emotion a human
heart can feel.
It transcribes over used words
that have lost their depth.
I could tell you I am filled
with joy, but can you comprehend
the spilling out of my heart?
The excitement my body can


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Recent Song Poems
Annabelles charm
by Saleh Ben Saleh

In an urban street I met a girl
her name was Annabelle,
she was alone a jolly soul
with a happy tale to tell.
She stood so tall
a precious pearl
with a hat of golden locks,
her eyes were blue
with many hue
just like a marble rock.


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Mellow Moon
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

near the close of day
violet sun's turned mellow
gold rose all aglow

then peach and plums swirl
whereas blue-green day left, spent
red creeps in, silent

clouds of antique rose
where has cream butterfly gone


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Morning Song
by Pijush Biswas

Morning dews glitter at the edges of grasses
We children look our faces into them
We see the sun-shine lash
Upon the dews
There none to blame
So, our hope gets loose.

Now morning dews glitter at the edges of grasses
We children run forward to take lesson
Or, to be men in human dresses


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by lily Vilchis

It was explained to me
the other day, that music
holds every emotion a human
heart can feel.
It transcribes over used words
that have lost their depth.
I could tell you I am filled
with joy, but can you comprehend
the spilling out of my heart?
The excitement my body can


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Fly-Fly! O Bird
by Pijush Biswas

Fly-fly! O bird
Winter's gone, Spring's come
And wore a veil all who were tired,
Allover now feel at home.

You may call a day
Southern ocean- the best
Or, fly far and away
There to make a nest.


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    Robert Burns (82 poems about Song)
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  • Rudyard Kipling
    Rudyard Kipling (79 poems about Song)
    30 December 1865 – 18 January 1936 / Bombay
  • William Butler Yeats
    William Butler Yeats (69 poems about Song)
    W.B. Yeats] (13 June 1865 – 28 January 1939 / County Dublin / Ireland
  • Walt Whitman
    Walt Whitman (55 poems about Song)
    31 May 1819 - 26 March 1892 / New York / United States
  • Eugene Field
    Eugene Field (50 poems about Song)
    2 September 1850 - 4 November 1895 / St Louis / Missouri / United States
  • Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (44 poems about Song)
    28 August 1749 – 22 March 1832 / Frankfurt am Main
  • Algernon Charl Swinburne
    Algernon Charl Swinburne (43 poems about Song)
    5 April 1837 - 10 April 1909 / London
  • Sara Teasdale
    Sara Teasdale (39 poems about Song)
    August 8, 1884 – January 29, 1933 / Missouri / United States
  • Henry Wadswor Longfellow
    Henry Wadswor Longfellow (37 poems about Song)
    27 February 1807 – 24 March 1882 / Portland, Maine
  •  Mary Darby Robinson
    Mary Darby Robinson (34 poems about Song)
    1758 - 1800 / England
Popular Poets about Song From Members
  • Pijush Biswas
    Pijush Biswas (3 poems about Song)
    July 12, 1988 - Srirampur, Nadia, West Bengal, India
  • lily Vilchis
    lily Vilchis (1 poems about Song)
    October 22, 2002 - Las Vegas