Solitude Poems

Popular Solitude Poems
by Brady Stewart

Crazy Crazy it never stops there is no time for punctuation
It starts off sounding like an elementary narrative
The alarm sounds sounds downstairs it's the neighbor
The neighbors are smoking probably smoking smoking
The toy on the desk moves moves it moves when you pull it
The trees don't seem to sway sway sway but they're so far away.
So How can you tell?
The toilet is never clean, spotless clean clean
The windows are open


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by Lucy Maud Montgomery

A pale enchanted moon is sinking low
Behind the dunes that fringe the shadowy lea,
And there is haunted starlight on the flow
Of immemorial sea.

I am alone and need no more pretend
Laughter or smile to hide a hungry heart;
I walk with solitude as with a friend
Enfolded and apart.


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by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

The cruel laughter of the soul
Laments its flagellation by time,
Ebbed on the flattened stones of
A raped river.
Sorrow, an amanuensis of silence,
Reads the minutes of the last meeting
Held within dying doors, between
Mind and soul, two warring nations
Of a proud heart,
Now asleep with bloodshot eyes.


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by Okunola iyanuoluwa

He tastes solitude
on Gama,
Savoury to his buds.

He is a bird,
Pearching hymns,
He is a fig
Among fronds.

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by Hannah Woerner

It's left quiet after snow fall
I'm left in silence without you all
So many things to do that must be done
So many battles, so few won

I march through the fields of cotton
Pretending the pain is all forgotten
Waiting for a sweet respite
Although I know I never leave it behind


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Recent Solitude Poems
by Okunola iyanuoluwa

He tastes solitude
on Gama,
Savoury to his buds.

He is a bird,
Pearching hymns,
He is a fig
Among fronds.

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Silence of the Rocks
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

Sweltering clouds above are in yoga
Below them, crags — large-hearted and
Deep-seated, with striated bowels —
Faint from the hostile shafts of sunlight.
Iguanas pray fervently through fents
Hewed by dreaded times;
So are south-oriented ivies — straggling
Idly by noon, they seek eloquence of
Humming-birds on rock-ruptured
Sequence of dalliances...


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My Masterpiece
by Ferris Sivan

Oh, I am of art
Though do not mistake me of kind that ignites passion’s roar
Nor am I of kind that drums awe’s core
I am of art that conveys to much misery
Too much depth and sorrow
Too much pity to bring into tomorrow
I am monotone gone days and abstract lucid nights
I am cold-coloured complexations framed in Pyrite’s might
I am brush strokes wretchedly captivating the work I’m yet to do right
Oh the unwanted sketches I’ve forgone


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by Brady Stewart

Crazy Crazy it never stops there is no time for punctuation
It starts off sounding like an elementary narrative
The alarm sounds sounds downstairs it's the neighbor
The neighbors are smoking probably smoking smoking
The toy on the desk moves moves it moves when you pull it
The trees don't seem to sway sway sway but they're so far away.
So How can you tell?
The toilet is never clean, spotless clean clean
The windows are open


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by Brady Stewart

My eyes are my definers
My legs are my walkers,
My ears are my feelers.
Tickle me.
Scrambled eggs, fissure my shell.
You tried to but I rot.
Atmospheres watch me oxidize,
Please finish what you did not.
The bugs here eat away at me,
With no stove to sear my wounds


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