Society Poems

Popular Society Poems
by Hannah Woerner

Those who came before know it is not a battle but a war that must be fought and won once again by those much younger than them

And those who love god rage because the one they praise is not Holy, but depraved
How could such devastation take place if this god of love really does rein

United we should stand against the evil hand of oppression
The halt that has been put on progression
The stifling darkness of depression

We’re caught in a war of draining night,


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Back Then
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

In those days they were not in a hurry to vacate the planet,
My ancestors and their global friends
Life was to them a health monument in granite
And they lived on and on and on with welds.

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Extended Trials
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

Trials beget trials.
O'nubile maid of the Sahara, run towards
Us with mad flapping of your young breasts.
Run for trials.
Rebekah hastens towards thirsty
Camels — and trials begin.

Tabloids have ears.
Every dot is the eye of the news.
Faith and impediments waste wave-energy


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And the Shrines Came Crumbling!
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

Desert shrines were canonical
before the Deluge.
The bamboo and fronds of their mouths
waved well in the sun,
and the strength of their arms shunned
the devilish romances of swift gales.
Oh, the heaths of the shrines
warmed the heart of the ancient world,
who brought the Rainbow as a gift! ...


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Mad Waters
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

Mad waters come our way.
Seasons are gleaned from lean stems
beneath bloodless rocks;
thresholds, scorched, reprint footsteps
of dark ages replete with foul breath.

Alas, mad days are here.
And with clouds mourning near
disconsolate skies,
the heavens themselves lay siege on


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Recent Society Poems
The Coronation of Trump
by Dr. Robert Ippaso

A coronation, watched by our entire great nation,
Some with trepidation, others boisterous jubilation.
Trump feted, his fawning family silhouetted,
Basking in his light, his confidence and might.

This Grand Old Party, it's followers vociferous and hearty,
Anointing their chosen man, to rule their ever-growing clan;
No harm to love a cause, giving thought and sometimes pause,
To what this passion brings, the words the siren sings.


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Mad Waters
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

Mad waters come our way.
Seasons are gleaned from lean stems
beneath bloodless rocks;
thresholds, scorched, reprint footsteps
of dark ages replete with foul breath.

Alas, mad days are here.
And with clouds mourning near
disconsolate skies,
the heavens themselves lay siege on


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Back Then
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

In those days they were not in a hurry to vacate the planet,
My ancestors and their global friends
Life was to them a health monument in granite
And they lived on and on and on with welds.

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The last original idea
by Thomas Gallagher

There will come a day when the last original idea is birthed

An immaculate conception

Unlike so many others in it’s time

It is a beautiful thing that needs space to grow

And it sings like no bird before it


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Extended Trials
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

Trials beget trials.
O'nubile maid of the Sahara, run towards
Us with mad flapping of your young breasts.
Run for trials.
Rebekah hastens towards thirsty
Camels — and trials begin.

Tabloids have ears.
Every dot is the eye of the news.
Faith and impediments waste wave-energy


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Popular Poetry Topics
Popular Poets about Society From Members