Rules Poems

Popular Rules Poems
The rules of the game
by Author Reinvented

"I just want to be alone". That's exactly what she said.
But only the day before, she claimed that she'd be dead,
If you let her be by herself, even for only a minute.
If she doesn't know the rules for this game, how can she hope to win it?

This is for that poor, scared girl, who doesn't know the rules.
Cuz, often as a fool plays a wise man, can a wise man play the fool.
So listen closely, to the rules you're about to hear,
And follow or break them as you wish, as I know you will, my dear.


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Recent Rules Poems
The rules of the game
by Author Reinvented

"I just want to be alone". That's exactly what she said.
But only the day before, she claimed that she'd be dead,
If you let her be by herself, even for only a minute.
If she doesn't know the rules for this game, how can she hope to win it?

This is for that poor, scared girl, who doesn't know the rules.
Cuz, often as a fool plays a wise man, can a wise man play the fool.
So listen closely, to the rules you're about to hear,
And follow or break them as you wish, as I know you will, my dear.


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