Romance Poems

Popular Romance Poems
by Bhaskaranand Jha Bhaskar

She is succor sweet
In the water of my life

She is pure water
As Love in my heart


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Between the Two
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

The smell of incense was heavy
And guarded the dingy room well.
Time passed slowly like the stifling breath of Yuletide
They were hiding from — the two lovers of Venice —
A woman with dark, luxuriant hair
And a man with a running nose.
Scent-leaf imported from Africa
Roasted over the fireplace with a tangible fragrance.
A lone candle burned and crackled,
Its tallow dripping profusely with crusts of romance —


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Shining Veneto
by Zach Ascot

Beneath the sun in shining Veneto,
Wondering freely alongside warm radiant houses,
Clinging vines embrace the structures,
Pastel streets developing,
Town life unfolds slowly,
Strolling as you wonder,
How did you ever forget this?

There's love in shining Veneto,
Love around every corner,


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by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

An African drum throbs from a distance.
It is heyday and there is rejoicing.
But ululations surround me suddenly, and tensions
Climb gently the steps of a dancing heaven.
As my lobes grow softer and my hair stands
On the grounds of love,
I sense the throbs on my hollow soul,
Near, yet so far, for the wretched wench
Whose sweet eyes I have descried yonder.

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by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

She left at the yawn of dawn
Between fog-densed waking hour
And rain-soused grey morning.
Veiled, her image was laced in silhouette.
She stood behind the fog-rain, a dark
Painting, sketched in black crayons of
Her breath, one streak of ink
Of a satanic fresco on a dingy subway.
And the breath of the rain was heavy,


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Recent Romance Poems
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

Tuesday night pleases itself with lustres of
Pink-perfumed raiment, loosened and spread out
Across the lintels of the hill.
The ground is fertile for poets and gentle talkers.
And flowers add a bogus wreath in one soul to
A somewhat disconsolate necropolis.
To give light and fecund breath to this lace,
Her eyes pierce the webs of previous gloom.
She opens her heart and bleeds profusely,
Her spirit and goodness welcoming the air to


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by Sharon Morgan

Ladybird, Ladybird
How long will it be
until you perch on the leaves
of a brand-new tree?

Ladybird, Ladybird
Not a bird, but you fly
At the first sign of problems
It’s always ‘'Goodbye.'’


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by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

I saw in her eyes the sallowness of festered love.
My drum had beaten to the resonance of celebration,
Of the deeds of love evaluation.
Her art bemuses me, especially when spoken and
Sketched to the rhythms of assayed hollowness –
Mottled balances echo silently on withered spots,
And the words she cherishes lie way below frontiers of enchantment.
How short my éclat reigned!
And my blood congealed!
Do I lay prostrate to hypoxia?


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In Her Own Words
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

Her language fuses desire with bitter truth.
Early on she told us of the quest for salvation
Through gentle whiffs of collected muffled air
Which she didn’t expect the world to breathe in
One hell of a time.
From the corners of her mouth, I detected courage.
Her eyes, flashy in all manners of piddling evocation,
Made matters worse for her critics – men who grinned
At the nailing of crosses on boughs of extirpated trees.
Her language was steadfast and could retain the abrasive


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In Her Eyes
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

In her eyes
Colours of buntings add weight
To the branches of the wise
Trees that bear them in wait

For that ceremony
We've been scheming all these days.
We do not search for honey,
But ways


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