Remember Poems

Popular Remember Poems
by Lucy Maud Montgomery

A pale enchanted moon is sinking low
Behind the dunes that fringe the shadowy lea,
And there is haunted starlight on the flow
Of immemorial sea.

I am alone and need no more pretend
Laughter or smile to hide a hungry heart;
I walk with solitude as with a friend
Enfolded and apart.


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Duino Elegies: The First Elegy
by Rainer Maria Rilke

Who, if I cried out, would hear me among the angels'
hierarchies? and even if one of them suddenly
pressed me against his heart, I would perish
in the embrace of his stronger existence.
For beauty is nothing but the beginning of terror
which we are barely able to endure and are awed
because it serenely disdains to annihilate us.
Each single angel is terrifying.
And so I force myself, swallow and hold back
the surging call of my dark sobbing.


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War Is Never Over
by Cecil L. Harrison

War is never over
Thought the treaties may be signed
The memories of the battles
Are forever in our minds

War is never over
So when you welcome heroes home
Remember in their minds they hold
Memories known to them alone


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Thoreau In Italy
by Robert Francis

Lingo of birds was easier than lingo of peasants-
they were elusive, though, the birds, for excellent reasons.
He thought of Virgil, Virgil who wasn't there to chat with.

History he never forgave for letting Latin
lapse into Italian, a renegade jabbering
musical enough but not enough to call music

So he conversed with stones, imperial and papal.
Even the preposterous popes he could condone


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A Man Young And Old: Xi. From Oedipus At Colonus
by William Butler Yeats

Endure what life God gives and ask no longer span;
Cease to remember the delights of youth, travel-wearied aged man;
Delight becomes death-longing if all longing else be vain.

Even from that delight memory treasures so,
Death, despair, division of families, all entanglements of mankind grow,
As that old wandering beggar and these God-hated children know.

In the long echoing street the laughing dancers throng,
The bride is carried to the bridegroom's chamber through torchlight and tumultuous song;


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Recent Remember Poems
The Effects of Memory
by Michael R. Burch

The Effects of Memory
by Michael R. Burch

A black ringlet curls to lie
at the nape of her neck,
glistening with sweat
in the evaporate moonlight ...
This is what I remember

now that I cannot forget.


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A Final Sundown
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

blooms mass in a vase
a vivid get together
days in sun recalled

wild hours of weather
when they were younger so green
remembering scenes

sunset blooms laughing
comparing lovely costumes


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Remember the time
by Mario Hernandez

Remember the day I met you?
Remember  the day hugged you?
Remember the day you said , I love you.

Can you think of a time before you met me ?
Can you ask your heart why he hates me
Do I have to kill my faith?
In order to save me

Is love suppose to be this way ?


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I Cry ...
by Raina Hutchins

I lay awake all through the night
While others lay asleep
As I think of you and I
The tears roll down my cheek

I cry because I love you
I cry because I care
But most of all the reason why I cry
Is you're not there


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Someone I knew for a while
by Raina Hutchins

I flew across the sky for you
The plan was just one night
So how can something we know is so wrong
Feel so real... and so right

Everything happens for a reason
But why you...I’ll never know
Fate may have brought us together...but
My choice was to let you go


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