Random feelings Poems

Popular Random feelings Poems
It Sang to Me
by Aras Acolipeps

I saw a book when I was young,
the words weren’t read, they were sung.

It sang to me like the bird calls the sky,
like the flower calls the cloud to call the rain when it’s dry.

It sang to me like the sand calls the waves,
like hollow calls empty and echos call caves.

It sang to me like stars call lovers,


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Recent Random feelings Poems
It Sang to Me
by Aras Acolipeps

I saw a book when I was young,
the words weren’t read, they were sung.

It sang to me like the bird calls the sky,
like the flower calls the cloud to call the rain when it’s dry.

It sang to me like the sand calls the waves,
like hollow calls empty and echos call caves.

It sang to me like stars call lovers,


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