Rain Poems

Popular Rain Poems
African Rain
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

It falls with grace.
Metallic bawls hail the strength of zinc roofs.
At the mercy of the thatch,
Drops drip from needle points of skeletal
Palm fronds.
Particles of rain descend on thresholds
Among dewed terrains.
The petrichor befriends the atmosphere,
Caressing limpid warmth with floating cold.
Lightning, a white dancing Anaconda, races with speed,


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by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Yesterday I was in the parched, red desert, where it pours only seldom,
Bearing joy for varicolored cacti blooms, a silvery shower, very welcome.
This morning I deluged the green, pathless forest, at the dawn of purple.
Tomorrow, wet footsteps will travel, down the tree-lined street of myrtle.
In wild days of ago, my fervor caused floods, as I danced in dewberries;
Then a soft, yellow sun spun rich gold, making cherries and cranberries!
While there is gladness everywhere I go, my sporadic errors humble me,
Like an errant wind which blows off course, tenacious, golden honeybee!

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by Edna St. Vincent Millay

Let them bury your big eyes
In the secret earth securely,
Your thin fingers, and your fair,
Soft, indefinite-colored hair,—
All of these in some way, surely,
From the secret earth shall rise;
Not for these I sit and stare,
Broken and bereft completely;
Your young flesh that sat so neatly
On your little bones will sweetly


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The City In Which I Loved You
by Li-Young Lee

And when, in the city in which I love you,
even my most excellent song goes unanswered,
andI mount the scabbed streets,
the long shouts of avenues,
and tunnel sunken night in search of you...

That I negotiate fog, bituminous
rain rining like teeth into the beggar's tin,
or two men jackaling a third in some alley
weirdly lit by a couch on fire, that I


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We Refugees
by Benjamin Zephaniah

I come from a musical place
Where they shoot me for my song
And my brother has been tortured
By my brother in my land.

I come from a beautiful place
Where they hate my shade of skin
They don't like the way I pray
And they ban free poetry.


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Recent Rain Poems
Eyes of the Rain
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

In the face of an early morning drizzle,
On a fireside earth-throne,
I sit and summon thoughts.
The firewood, red with the suppressed anger of
Smouldering fire,
Crackles constantly
Amid the paying of wages of serenity.

Thoughts and fascination cringe
My breath now pulsated by the throbs of wanton


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The Rain Commandments
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

You shall not speak to lightning
As if he were your mate

You shall count your fingers, beginning from
One rainy day to the last

Your bosom shall be cleansed
Before the first rain

If you peep through the door of rain


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Sacred Rain
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

When the sinciput of the clouds cracks
for the first time,
accompanied by the lifting of the brows
of the sky,
and there is an eloquent ceremony in the
heavens' hall of grey,
it is Sacred Rain.

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Restless Rain
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

Restless rain comes when the front door
Opens to reveal two dragonflies mating
In mid-air —one male the other female.
Shafts of warm sunlight pierce through
Windowpanes of cathedrals, pointing to
Some frugal earnestness of heated air.
Winds are deceived in this distillation of
Burnished clouds with charged frontiers of
Rebelling seas, causing the retching of
Frolicking seagulls.


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by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

Rains splatter on the silence of night
When the holy seas bend their head in sleep.
I recline on the stillness of a bright moon,
Shining forth into the head of my bed.
Her body is pumiced and oiled by the hands
Of caring night spirits that walk the length of
A gentle September.
Darkness deepens at the yawning of the earth
When it thirsts for rain – that wondrous element
Known for its wetness and liquidness.


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Popular Poetry Topics
Popular Famous Poets about Rain
  • Conrad Potter Aiken
    Conrad Potter Aiken (32 poems about Rain)
    Conrad Aiken] (5 August 1889 – 17 August 1973 / Savannah, Georgia
  • Siegfried Sassoon
    Siegfried Sassoon (28 poems about Rain)
    1886 - 1967 / Kent / England
  • Philip Levine
    Philip Levine (26 poems about Rain)
    January 10, 1928 / Detroit, Michigan
  • Edna St. Vincent Millay
    Edna St. Vincent Millay (21 poems about Rain)
    22 February 1892 – 19 October 1950 / Rockland / Maine / United States
  • Henry Kendall
    Henry Kendall (13 poems about Rain)
    18 April 1839 – 1 August 1882 / Ulladulla, New South Wales
  • Elizabeth Bishop
    Elizabeth Bishop (13 poems about Rain)
    8 February 1911 – 6 October 1979 / Worcester, Massachusetts
  • Li Ching Chao
    Li Ching Chao (11 poems about Rain)
    1084 - 1151
  • Ezra Pound
    Ezra Pound (9 poems about Rain)
    30 October 1885 – 1 November 1972 / Hailey / Idaho
  • Duncan Campbell Scott
    Duncan Campbell Scott (7 poems about Rain)
    2 August 1862 – 19 December 1947 / Ottawa, Ontario
  • Reginald Shepherd
    Reginald Shepherd (7 poems about Rain)
    April 10, 1963 – September 10, 2008 / New York City
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