Quackery Poems

Popular Quackery Poems
The Doctor
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

I recall the flying doctor,
bespectacled by polished
glass-fragments of fallen stars,
who landed flat on his young tummy,
equipped with scalpels and other weapons of
native medicine.
His first-ever surgery was on a pregnant
calabash —over a fragile, stinking earth
ached constantly by a proud dancing tumour.

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Recent Quackery Poems
The Doctor
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

I recall the flying doctor,
bespectacled by polished
glass-fragments of fallen stars,
who landed flat on his young tummy,
equipped with scalpels and other weapons of
native medicine.
His first-ever surgery was on a pregnant
calabash —over a fragile, stinking earth
ached constantly by a proud dancing tumour.

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