Philosophical Poems

Popular Philosophical Poems
The Uncanny Fact
by Somali Mukherjee

The more you envy,
The better will I become,
It sounds strange although.

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Unintelligible Words
by Somali Mukherjee

The ocean behind
Seems to speak a lot of things;
We can't understand.

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The Best Moment
by Somali Mukherjee

The moment we do

Perceive that we’re imperfect,

We try to succeed.

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We are Human
by Sharon Morgan

We do come; we do go.
We do hide; we do show

We do love; we do hate
We do rush; we do wait

We do feel, we do think
We do swim; we do sink

We do plot; we do scheme


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by Sharon Morgan

How wonderful our world
of ingrained peace and tranquillity
with lives of eternal happiness,
As the lives that we live are carefree
And by the way, my best friend is called irony

How great our climate
Because man, in his creativity, has made gases
that fills our atmosphere
Trapping heat from the sun


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Recent Philosophical Poems
The Uncanny Fact
by Somali Mukherjee

The more you envy,
The better will I become,
It sounds strange although.

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Love the Life
by Somali Mukherjee

No more will I make life freeze;
I will enjoy my life up to its lowest lees.
Life is short; it is precious;
Life can't stand with things malicious.
Why shouldn't I, why shouldn't I?
Soar with wings up in the sky?
Aye, I do love to dream;
Like the stars, I don't gleam,
But I will shine, shine, for sure;
The more will I shine, the more endure.


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by Somali Mukherjee

My heart's torn apart
Not by any, but by me,
The worst deceiver.

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Light Needed Within
by Somali Mukherjee

There's light everywhere;
Still, our hearts are full of murk;
We need light indeed.

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False Insanity
by Somali Mukherjee

No need to hurry;
No need to hustle;
The waves do carry
Our each sandcastle.

Life contains a measured beat;
We need to accept all;
Freedom has a deep seat,
As we're given the call.


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