Pedo Poems

Popular Pedo Poems
by Raven,Luna,Ace Bailey

In the depths of night, shadows dance and play,
Echoes of a nightmare's twisted sway.
A sharp intake of breath, a surge of dread,
PTSD's grip clutches, fills me with lead.

A male's touch, a whisper's breath,
It transports me back, to the brink of death.
Fear's icy fingers trace my trembling skin,
As horrors resurface, where they've always been.


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Recent Pedo Poems
by Raven,Luna,Ace Bailey

In the depths of night, shadows dance and play,
Echoes of a nightmare's twisted sway.
A sharp intake of breath, a surge of dread,
PTSD's grip clutches, fills me with lead.

A male's touch, a whisper's breath,
It transports me back, to the brink of death.
Fear's icy fingers trace my trembling skin,
As horrors resurface, where they've always been.


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