Patriotism Poems

Popular Patriotism Poems
The Last King of Africa
by Jonathan Tafreg

Welcome to the church,
Hear the voice
That of the preacher.
'Blessed is the one
Who reads the words
Of this prophesy,
And blessed are those
Who hear it
And take to heart
What is written in it,


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Letter from a Kargil Hero
by Siddhi Beri

O my Countrymen!
Don’t shed a tear,
What if I die.
With so many bullets in my chest,
On a mountain, so high.

O my Parents!
Don’t shed a tear,
What if I die.
Not like before, now you see me freely,


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Unmatched Patriotism
by Disha Shree

In wind, the stripes making it alive,
A fish swimming up the current,
Bold, vibrant and strong they are,
Fluttering, rendering me hypnotized,
Is it the blue of the wheel on the white canvas,
Or is it the brilliant color and it's hue?
I take a moment to drink in the sight,
Living my dreams, loving this beauty of India.

Is it just the monumental incredibility,


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Proud of India
by Shreya Nayak

"Shoot faster!"
"Aim better!"
Were the only words
They could hear from each other.

Far away from their families
Have you realised
How their lives go unnoticed?

"Just one more point,


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The land
by Yusuf Baba Hammed

What has overtake the land of honour?
Where there live fresh prey
But were hunt and ingest by lion
And left none for his adherent except his bloodline.

What has strike the land of resources?
Where there are millions of opportunities
But the graduate have to scour the terra-firma
Wearing his poulaine and keck with fuzzy appearance
And wade through over and over the signboard.


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Recent Patriotism Poems
My land’s orphan
by Kira Rodionova

Peaches heated by my sun
A dress so simple and so cotton
Would that child ever come
Back home
Where she is forgotten

Would the wind caress the ankles
Like it did so many times before
Would that land eventually remember
That her daughter is left outdoors?


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To recollect the battle of Gloster hill(Solma-ri , Imjin River)
by Kinsley Lee

The late spring in the field, the coquelicots are blooming
In this Imjin area, on the vale and hill.
Spring’s coming, the red thieves were looming,
And human-wave attacking, to the Gloster hill.
Here and there, on the hero’s blood,
The flowers’re blooming as the hue of blood.

In this area, one thousand years ago,
The Tang Dynasty Army invaded
And the Silla soldiers blocked their blow.


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To dedicate a poem to the members of Kangnew Battalion
by Kinsley Lee

They were the gallant Royal Guards soldiers in Ethiopia
But one days applied to participated the war broken at unknown
Country, far away. They descended the Olympia
To the port. And arrived the land the cannonballs flown.

The name "Kangnew", it means the invincible at the battle,
The heroes wrote the many legends and the core
Operations they carried out. With the sky-high mettle,
They planted the freedom on the land which torn by war.


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Cries of the Country
by Bhaskaranand Jha Bhaskar

Beyond the crest
Of the peaceful land of ours,
Of love, compassion and humanity
Stares at us cruelly an untrusted masquerading face
With long red greening teeth, hands blood smeared
In their favourite back-stabbing game waged on since long
Unseen and unhidden from us, but exposed to global eyes.

The so called dogma
Of the people beyond, gone astray


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Sacred Souls
by Simarpreet Singh

Thou, sacred souls, repayed debt of thine beloved motherland;
Have gifted thine mother with a blooded garland.
Thou, have fulfilled thine promise;
by anointing your pure blood in her praise.
Thy, bravery in the every part of earth hear;
from whom the death comes to fear.
Thou, were fearless and determined servant towards thine mother;
Who serves her with the spirit full of fervour.
Thou, have the power in the hand to change destiny;
have the power to free your mother from chains of slavery.


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