Nonfiction Poems

Popular Nonfiction Poems
One Small Step and One Giant Leap
by Randy Johnson

It has been half a century since the first moon landing.
It was a historical event that was absolutely outstanding.
The Apollo 11 landed on the moon's surface fifty years ago today.
Two astronauts walked on the moon which is over 238,000 miles away.
Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were pioneers like Daniel Boone.
On July 20, 1969, Armstrong and Aldrin landed on the moon.
As Armstrong stepped on the moon's surface, he said "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind".
When those brave astronauts left the moon to come home, the American flag was something they left behind.
I wasn't alive in 1969 so the moon landing wasn't something that I was able to witness.
But I'm guessing that it was awesome for those who were alive, a wonderful experience.


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Death Of a Relative
by Randy Johnson

My papaw died twenty-five years ago today.
It's been a quarter of a century since he passed away.
When he took a new medication, he became sick.
When Papaw took it, he turned out to be allergic.
If it hadn't been for Papaw, I wouldn't exist.
He died a long time ago and he's still missed.

(Dedicated to Burley Johnson who died on August 3, 1994.)

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by Randy Johnson

It's such a great day that it makes a man want to sing.
I'm very happy because today is the first day of Spring.
Knowing that the bitterness of Winter is over is sure to please.
Warm weather is coming and the leaves will return to the trees.
When March arrives, there's something that I always hold dear.
The cold weather will leave, Spring is my favorite time of the year.

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It was like talking to a brick wall
by Randy Johnson

Talking to you was always a waste of time, you didn't listen at all.
Talking to you was worthless, it was like talking to a brick wall.
I showed you a movie about a young boy who took drugs and then drowned in the swimming pool.
I thought it would scare you into stopping your drug use but you laughed instead, that wasn't cool.
Many years ago when my brother was at your house when we were young,
you used something that made you cough up black stuff out of your lungs.
That should've showed you how bad and dangerous drugs are, it should've been a wake up call.
But you continued to do drugs, talking to you was a dumb idea, it was like talking to a brick wall.
You would use any drug that people would give you if they said it would get you high.
You got your hands on the wrong stuff and your luck ran out, and it caused you to die.


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Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
by Randy Johnson

Some people didn't like it, it's a game that certain people detest.
I'm talking about the NES game 'Castlevania II: Simon's Quest'.
I bought this game in 1989 on the last day of June.
I bought it 30 years ago today in the evening or late afternoon.
It's a game where you must discover things and go exploring.
Some people say it sucks but those are the ones I'm ignoring.
You have to go in castles and collect Dracula's body parts.
You have to collect his nail, eyeball, rib, ring and his heart.
You collect Dracula's body parts in order to kill him.
Certain people hate this game but I think it is a gem.


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Recent Nonfiction Poems
I Love The Autumn
by Randy Johnson

Fall is my second favorite season of the year.
I love the Autumn as much as people love beer.
The leaves will change color and fall from the trees.
When it comes to the Autumn, it is sure to please.
Fall is a season that I really appreciate.
I love the Autumn because it's great.

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An Entire Nation Still Mourns
by Randy Johnson

One minute everything was fine but the next, everything went sour.
Terrorists hijacked some planes and attacked the World Trade Towers.
Because of those damn terrorists, 2,977 innocent people were killed.
They attacked the World Trade Towers which took six years to build.
Construction of the towers began in 1966 and ended in 1972.
What those terrorists did was a cowardly and evil thing to do.
The people who were born on that day are now adults legally, time flies.
An entire nation still mourns the loss of each and every person who died.

(I dedicate this poem to the nearly 3,000 people who perished on September 11, 2001.)


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My Name Is Horace
by Randy Johnson

In 1987, he starred in a movie that was called 'The Monster Squad'.
At a very young age, he died and went to Heaven to be with God.
Two other movies that he starred in were 'Home Free' and 'Dance 'Til Dawn'.
When he died of Pneumonia in 1987, it was hard to believe that he was gone.
He abandoned his acting career to study law before dying at the age of 22.
To die at such a young age is unfair and ridiculous, and that certainly is true.

[Dedicated to Brent Chalem (1975-1997) who died on December 9, 1997.]

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One of The Greatest Dogs On The Planet
by Randy Johnson

I adopted Agnes six years ago today.
She'll be my dog until she passes away.
I named my Chihuahua after my late mother.
She's my dog and I won't trade her for any other.
Agnes got sick and a veterinarian examined her.
The vet discovered that she has a heart murmur.
Because of a tick, Agnes was temporarily paralyzed.
I didn't know a tick could do that, I was surprised.
She nearly died and it was hard for me to stand it.
Agnes is one of the greatest dogs on the planet.


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Elvis Presley: The Same Amount of Time
by Randy Johnson

You've been dead for the same amount of time that you lived, forty-two years.
You were loved and your death devastated each and every one of your peers.
You didn't perform in all fifty states, one state that you missed was Montana.
You performed your last concert on June 26, 1977 in the state of Indiana.
Two of your hit songs were 'All Shook Up' and 'Hound Dog'.
You had great taste in motorcycles, you sure did love Hogs.
You had a wonderful life but not a life that was long.
When doctors constantly prescribed those pills, it was wrong.
You loved to give away Cadillacs, you truly had a heart of gold.
It was very sad to lose you when you were only 42 years old.


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  • Randy Johnson
    Randy Johnson (24 poems about Nonfiction)
    August 20, 1971 - Tennessee