New poem 2020 Poems

Popular New poem 2020 Poems
Tragedy of a Damsel
by Jennifer Johnson

She flaunts around in her beautiful robe,
Waving vigorously at people
She moves with pride along the road,
Ignorant of the moving vehicles.

The enchantment of her beauty
Causes the sun to smile
But her contemptousness to humanity
Is frivolous, even greater than a Nile.


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Recent New poem 2020 Poems
Tragedy of a Damsel
by Jennifer Johnson

She flaunts around in her beautiful robe,
Waving vigorously at people
She moves with pride along the road,
Ignorant of the moving vehicles.

The enchantment of her beauty
Causes the sun to smile
But her contemptousness to humanity
Is frivolous, even greater than a Nile.


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