Never Poems

Popular Never Poems
Another place to go...
by Anisha Nyambe

leave me to be part of the never
a place of no hope and understanding
no lights and colored candy

it is a place of dark humor and sorrow
a place where pain chews on your marrow
and if you don't belong there
where else can you go?

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Forever Friend
by Anisha Nyambe

have you ever been my friend?
do you want to be my friend?
I will take you to the never
for how long? let's say forever.
is how long it takes to lose one
the Never
is where there is the brightest sun.
Do you like being my friend?
Are you my friend? do you pretend


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Recent Never Poems
Forever Friend
by Anisha Nyambe

have you ever been my friend?
do you want to be my friend?
I will take you to the never
for how long? let's say forever.
is how long it takes to lose one
the Never
is where there is the brightest sun.
Do you like being my friend?
Are you my friend? do you pretend


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Another place to go...
by Anisha Nyambe

leave me to be part of the never
a place of no hope and understanding
no lights and colored candy

it is a place of dark humor and sorrow
a place where pain chews on your marrow
and if you don't belong there
where else can you go?

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