Mourning Poems

Popular Mourning Poems
Behind the Sun
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

The faces of the tom-toms were sallow,
So was the face of the sun, dark-visaged,
Red, and starved through a pogrom
That assaulted the peace of the beasts.

Darkness spelt the names of diseases,
Each pronounced through stiffened tongues,
Whited by the scourge of hate – a common
Figure, cadaverous and laconic, but incestuous.


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Had he known...
by Graham Ereks

It was very early in the morning,
I can recall, not without mourning.
The roads were soaked; the cloud pregnant--
The gnats in all facades, the water was stagnant.
Full of ecstasy, he descended from the bed,
No doubt the night before he was well-fed.

How full of life he always was, not until then;
He was ravaged like a prey in a lion's den.
Had he known, He'd have have been stationary,


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by Brady Stewart

My love for you was like wine
And as they say,
I'm an alcoholic
Now that you've left me,
You can say you've met her
Mother earth, glorious god
The amnesiac of sleeping darkness.
Sometime I'll stop on by
Chug the wine when I


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Lovers Lost
by Jeffrey Pipes Guice

Les Amoureux Perdus

Mesdames en deuil ...
Les amoureux perdus ...
Changer des vies pour toujours ...
Un coût incommensurable ...

Plans brisés ...
Plus de rêves ...
Alors que les amoureux nous quittent ...


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Faded Memories
by Ava Frazier

Faded journeys
A woman’s hat on a box on top of a shelf in a wardrobe
Along a stack of postcards
And a framed photograph

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Recent Mourning Poems
Faded Memories
by Ava Frazier

Faded journeys
A woman’s hat on a box on top of a shelf in a wardrobe
Along a stack of postcards
And a framed photograph

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Said She
by Schafer Bailey

Calloused hands and bruised knuckles
rolled loose leaf tobacco in rice paper
The Sun loving me in the only way it knew how
with violent kisses leaving spots against my skin
Arms wrapped around me in autumn afternoons
words spoken with so much weight
they required delicate whispers
of promises made in the past humidity of summer
"Nothing can wreck our boat" said she


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by Brady Stewart

My love for you was like wine
And as they say,
I'm an alcoholic
Now that you've left me,
You can say you've met her
Mother earth, glorious god
The amnesiac of sleeping darkness.
Sometime I'll stop on by
Chug the wine when I


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Behind the Sun
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

The faces of the tom-toms were sallow,
So was the face of the sun, dark-visaged,
Red, and starved through a pogrom
That assaulted the peace of the beasts.

Darkness spelt the names of diseases,
Each pronounced through stiffened tongues,
Whited by the scourge of hate – a common
Figure, cadaverous and laconic, but incestuous.


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elegy to my neighborhood hero
by Sarah A

i woke up in a haze
a fog foreshadowing
a reunion
with the unexplainable
nature of life
i sailed my bike in the storm
screamed in terror and delight
hoping to outrun my demons


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