Morning Poems

Popular Morning Poems
Early Morning Hymns
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

Young, little hours of dawn
rolled on groggily, webbed
by footages of last night’s
weak dreams.
Confrontations came at waking
time when frowzy linens
exposed the titubations of
tired sleepers among boys.
Hymns opened to the weary
pages of the eyes, frazzled


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Sunset by Michael R. Burch
by Michael R. Burch

by Michael R. Burch

for my grandfather, George Edwin Hurt Sr., on the day he departed this life

Between the prophecies of morning
and twilight’s revelations of wonder,
the sky is ripped asunder.

The moon lurks in the clouds,


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A Corner of the Garden
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

In a corner of the garden,
I soak up the morning sun,
And I see a purple martin,
Singing 'til day is done!

Jasmine and orange roses,
Lend scent to sunshiny air.
Pink lilacs and primroses,
Allow the daydream flair!

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Good morning, darling
by J. Burgess

Lying in bed I think about you,
your pretty hanging plants and air-filled apartment
and your big eyes. Its midday, and rushed
I admire the thought of another noon
bathing in awe and elation
just existing in a particle and swing,
of synchronous touch. Your wet mouth
and the pacing heart beating out any responsibility. Lay
still now to breathe smoke from a cigarette, one big exhale I see you smile through smoke, telling tales of love with half whispered sleep. Despite the falling snow
you land on my white body like a delicate drop, quietly


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Sunday Morning
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

It begins mostly
When Saturday has rolled by
Like a trundling drum on gravel,
With all the loud sounds of
Rock ‘n’ roll music.
In one sleepy hour,
We wake and hail
The sirens of the birth
Of a new day, sunny and warm,
But sometimes with giggling snow


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Recent Morning Poems
Sunset by Michael R. Burch
by Michael R. Burch

by Michael R. Burch

for my grandfather, George Edwin Hurt Sr., on the day he departed this life

Between the prophecies of morning
and twilight’s revelations of wonder,
the sky is ripped asunder.

The moon lurks in the clouds,


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Early Morning Hymns
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

Young, little hours of dawn
rolled on groggily, webbed
by footages of last night’s
weak dreams.
Confrontations came at waking
time when frowzy linens
exposed the titubations of
tired sleepers among boys.
Hymns opened to the weary
pages of the eyes, frazzled


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by Leo McManus

I locked in my room at 6 am,
The condensation in my window,
Cold and brand,
That’s the time I come and stand.

Parents telling me to get up,
When I already am,
Feeling the cold touch on my window
That's the time I come and stand.


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by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

The clouds have opened their eyes wide
And all blackness wiped off the face of
The earth.
Night’s curtain has been drawn.
The rising birds in one single squadron
Halloo the world,
Winging and swinging through the
Broad lanes of the ceruleans.
I wake and tremble with the coldness of
Netted fishes;


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Good morning, darling
by J. Burgess

Lying in bed I think about you,
your pretty hanging plants and air-filled apartment
and your big eyes. Its midday, and rushed
I admire the thought of another noon
bathing in awe and elation
just existing in a particle and swing,
of synchronous touch. Your wet mouth
and the pacing heart beating out any responsibility. Lay
still now to breathe smoke from a cigarette, one big exhale I see you smile through smoke, telling tales of love with half whispered sleep. Despite the falling snow
you land on my white body like a delicate drop, quietly


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